Your Domain Rights Are Being Ripped Off!

Written by Dr. Tag Powell

WARNING... This information affects your future onrepparttar Internet.

There is a secret war going on overrepparttar 108331 rights to your Domain Name. Your Domain Name rights are currently being ripped off byrepparttar 108332 major Domain Name registration giants. This rip-off is affecting your Domain rights NOW!

Your Domain Name can become a casualty ofrepparttar 108333 Domain Name Registrar's Renewal War. Reading this article and understanding your Domain Name rights can prevent you from losing your Domain Name altogether, and can at least save you about 50% on your Domain Name renewal.

This is real and it is scary. As to not mislead you, I am Tag Powell, CEO of, and I have been drafted into this battle against my will. and our service is on one side of this war. We do have a vested interest in this battle's outcome.

First, let me give yourepparttar 108334 short background story to get you up to speed.

Until a couple of years ago ALL Domain Names had been registered and managed by one company, Network Solutions. Network Solutions made billions of dollars on this market for years. All .COM, .ORG, .NET Domains were held in one master database exclusively under their control. They, as a monopoly, could charge anything they desired. Originally they charged $50.00 per year (two year minimum). Then after registering millions of Domains and fielding massive complaints of over-charging, they graciously reducedrepparttar 108335 fee to $35.00 per year (two year minimum).

Forrepparttar 108336 first few years, Network Solutions did a good job, but asrepparttar 108337 Internet mushroomedrepparttar 108338 database problems grew. Hackers enteredrepparttar 108339 database and caused problems. Domain ownership's were illegally changed. Other Domain Names were rerouted to open to other companies. Domain Name security became a joke. Trying to get through to Network Solutions was a nightmare, getting email answered took weeks and they were often ignored completely, and getting through by phone took days. We speak from experience as we have been assisting Domain registrations since 1995. We helped Network Solutions register many hundreds of thousands Domain Names.

Byrepparttar 108340 way, it still could take hours today to get a phone answer from Network Solutions.

A couple of years agorepparttar 108341 government, after many public complaints, broke uprepparttar 108342 monopoly to exclusively register and renew Domain Names in torepparttar 108343 master database. This gaverepparttar 108344 public, forrepparttar 108345 first time,repparttar 108346 right to chose who would manage their Domain Name.

New rules allowed applications from other companies to manage new Domain Name registration and renewals intorepparttar 108347 master database. After a serious background check and a lot of money some of these companies (over a hundred to date) are allowed to become registrars, and are able to add and subtract Domain information torepparttar 108348 master database.

This new ruling allowed our company to put Domain info in and take information out of that master database for our clients, and we are also allowed to set our own prices for this service.

(Instead ofrepparttar 108349 Network Solutions' charge of $35.00 (per year) for .COM, .ORG, .NET Domains and $55.00 for .BIZ and .INFO Domains, our fee is only $19.95 per year for all extensions.)

Shortly afterrepparttar 108350 breakup Network Solutions was sold to VeriSign Corp., a giant multi-conglomerate. At this point their policies seem to have degraded to several quasi legal processes. I can only suppose that suddenly VeriSign must have become aware that millions of their clients (the same clients they had paid big bucks to collectrepparttar 108351 yearly fees from) were transferring (renewing) through other registrars. This will cost them millions.

VeriSign filed a complaint with ICANN,repparttar 108352 official ruling body over Domain Names, thatrepparttar 108353 competition (they named and our partner Tucows) was "slamming" and stealing Domain Name management againstrepparttar 108354 will ofrepparttar 108355 public. "Slamming" as you may know is an expression ofrepparttar 108356 illegal process of switching telephone companies withoutrepparttar 108357 permission ofrepparttar 108358 customer.

Please note, although I am sure that "slamming" is probably taking place in this industry, I know of NO case where this is true. Certainly "slamming" is NOT being done by our partner Tucows and probably not by Network Solutions' case (complaint) was based on a survey they did of clients requesting Domain Name transfers for renewal.

How To Make Money Selling Domain Names

Written by Wayne Ford

Domain name speculation has to be one ofrepparttar very best ways to make money onrepparttar 108330 Internet. It's easy, fun, takes a very low investment and has a huge profit potential. Businesses and webmasters are always looking for high quality, marketable domain names and will pay you big bucks if you haverepparttar 108331 name they want. Many people are making a good living buying and selling domain names. And you can too.

Below I will tell you everything you need to know, including where to find good domain names that are still available for registration (for as low as $14.) This used to be one ofrepparttar 108332 hardest and most frustrating parts of domain investing. Inrepparttar 108333 past to find good domain names you would have to search, one by one, until one came up that was available. But now there are research tools and compiled lists that do this for you! You can also get lists of domains that have expired, due to non- payment, and have been put back intorepparttar 108334 available pool. More on this below, but first lets discuss what makes a good domain name.


The suffix isrepparttar 108335 most important factor. .COM, .NET, and .ORG are by farrepparttar 108336 most popular. Other alternative domains like .WS, .TV, .FM, are becoming more and more popular because they are wide open. For example where you couldn't get you can still get (well maybe not anymore). For now, I would stick with .COM because they will berepparttar 108337 easiest to sell.

Would a webmaster or business want it? Ask yourself that question and if you can't instantly say "Yes!" than don't buy it. Alsorepparttar 108338 more genericrepparttar 108339 domain namerepparttar 108340 better. And remember it is illegal to register a business name or trademark that you do not own. This is called "cyber-squatting" and tough laws are now in place to protect against this.

The shorterrepparttar 108341 namerepparttar 108342 better. These arerepparttar 108343 most memorable and easiest to market. Atrepparttar 108344 time of writing this, there are only about a thousand three character domain names left. To find out how to get a list of these and four-character domain names see below.

What names are selling? Do some research on or (popular domain auctions) and see what names are selling and for how much. Below are what some domains recently auctioned for or have current bids at $92,800 $35,080 $6,060 $4,725 $14,510 $2,625 $1,890 $730 $765 $2,885 $15,000 $15,000 $198,895.00


There is a myth circulating cyberspace that allrepparttar 108345 good domains are taken already. And although it is true that thousands of new domain names are registered everyday, there are still good names to found. The best way to find great domains is to subscribe to expired domain lists. These are compiled lists ofrepparttar 108346 thousands of repossessed domain names that have been put back intorepparttar 108347 domain pool every day. They are available again for anyone to register and contain some really great names; recently appeared in one and was snatched up by a lucky subscriber. As a subscriber you will get first pick at registering these names. There are two such lists that I know of:

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