You must learn for your business to earn

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Copyright © 2004 Arun Pal Singh

Are you aware ofrepparttar reason why most people fail in their online ventures? It is because most of them don’t know and more importantly are reluctant to commandrepparttar 116474 language and gadgets ofrepparttar 116475 web. Put it simply, they are uncomfortable withrepparttar 116476 technologyrepparttar 116477 internet uses.

Just floating a website and starting a business is not enough. This is crucial first step, no doubt. One has to work further on his business to succeed. The lack of web knowledge might prove to be a handicap.

Please allow me to be clear. Let me be heard loudly and oppose those who sayrepparttar 116478 opposite. To succeed online one must equip himself with technical know-how.

If one does not knowrepparttar 116479 technological part experts can be hired but they come at a price which is almost always unaffordable by a starter ofrepparttar 116480 small business. So this choice is always out. There is no other option left than to know how to do it yourself. Earlier you realize it better it would be.

When I started my online home based business I was a novice onrepparttar 116481 net. Plethora of new terms like HTML, FTP, POP3, email aliases, bandwidth, cgi, php etc. etc. etc. did not make any sense at all.

I tried working by approximation but that made me uncomfortable. I could not makerepparttar 116482 small change in my site that I always wanted to. Every now and then a new or old term would appear again and I was left in a state of confusion.

Because I was uncomfortable I could not concentrate on my business. I could not focus where I should have been. Lack of vocabulary and technical knowledge always held me back. I was a businessman who was not confident of what he was doing. I kept incurring losses until my slumber was broken.

Then I realized I got to learn my basics. I could not always bother others about “how to do this and how could I do that”. Even if somebody is kind enough to reply,repparttar 116483 fear of unknown always diminishesrepparttar 116484 confidence to takerepparttar 116485 bold step.

The "Big3" Points to selling on the Web (part 2)

Written by Glenn Ducharme

Ok in my last article I spoke aboutrepparttar "Big 3" points to selling onrepparttar 116473 web

Point 1 develop a great product

Point 2 write a Website that SELLS with deadly effectiveness

Point 3 attract targeted customers (i.e., traffic) torepparttar 116474 site.

We will cover point #1 "develop a great product" and how it relates to point #2, since I only touched on this briefly in my last article.

Before you can successfully market products onrepparttar 116475 web, you first need to change your mindset from selling to preselling customers. Preselling is taking a product and writing good sales copy "from your own words" and not copy and pasting sales copy for your products. Why? Because everyone else who promotesrepparttar 116476 same product(s) is probably doing it too. You can not expect your customers to click through on sales copy they have seen on 10 other sites they visited it just reinforces that being sold feeling. Which is why I am not an advocate for using flashy ad banners, while they do generate click through they don't put your customers inrepparttar 116477 buying frame of mind. Just think about this, if you did generate sales with banners, how many ofrepparttar 116478 clicks actually converted into a sale? What happened to allrepparttar 116479 clicks that didn't convert, they most likely bought from your competitor. Typically banners give your customerrepparttar 116480 feeling of being sold which is notrepparttar 116481 MWR you want. MWR (Most Wanted Response) is what you want your visitor/customer to do while on your site. I know your saying, I want them to buy something from me. No, that will berepparttar 116482 second MRW response you want. The first is, to get your customer inrepparttar 116483 proper frame of mind to getrepparttar 116484 click through to your merchants site, purchase a product, sign up for your newsletter etc.

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