You Never Know

Written by Helaine Iris

You Never Know Helaine Iris © 2003

“Why not go out on a limb? That's whererepparttar fruit is.” Will Rogers

I was following my usual morning routine. Wake up, brush my teeth and sleepily stumble downrepparttar 123446 stairs to my office to check my email. I often wake up looking forward torepparttar 123447 day and excited to see what has transpired in my world while I was asleep.

Sitting at my desk scanning through my typically loaded inbox, my eye came across an email from “O, The Oprah Magazine”. Oprah? I thought, “no way.” My first reaction was to assume it was spam, heaven knows I get enough of it. Reading further, I realized it was a good thing I didn’t hitrepparttar 123448 delete key.

Apparently, one of their feature editors came across a recent article of mine. She was requesting if “O” could publish it inrepparttar 123449 December issue ofrepparttar 123450 South Africa edition. I was stunned!

It took me a minute to realizerepparttar 123451 email was for real thenrepparttar 123452 reality began to sink in. I felt an enormous wave of excitement begin to build. Me published in Oprah? Wow.

I immediately picked uprepparttar 123453 phone to call a friend to share my excitement. After sharing a few wahoo’s together she reminded me of something about myself I’d completely forgotten. A mere eighteen months ago I thought I couldn’t write.

I was looking for a way to build my business and my coach suggested writing and publishing articles. I bristled atrepparttar 123454 suggestion. “I am NOT a writer” I retorted,” in fact, I hate to write”. English was definitely NOT my strong subject. I can vividly remember agonizing over school reports. I remember once, years ago, I wrote a business letter and my husband asked me if English was my first language.

Now here I was sitting with an invitation before me to be published in “O” Magazine. I thought about how far I’d come.

Turning Obstacles Into Blessings

Written by Gerri D Smith

By Gerri D Smith Copyright, 2003 Words 725

“Your capacity to be creatively alive in virtually all life circumstances will depend in large part uponrepparttar kind of attitude you choose for yourself.” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Author/Lecturer

In almost every part of daily living, there are obstacles that prevent you from accomplishing your goals. Whetherrepparttar 123445 obstacles are in running a business or in handling a personal crisis,repparttar 123446 objective isrepparttar 123447 same. You have to get above it, over it, under it, or aroundrepparttar 123448 obstacle.

Whenever you are faced with an obstacle, learn to see it for what it is. Think of how you can remove it, or make it harmless and not so important. By makingrepparttar 123449 obstacle weaker and less important, you make yourself and your business more stronger.


<> Never dwell onrepparttar 123450 cause ofrepparttar 123451 obstacle. Rise above it and changerepparttar 123452 way you respond to it. It only has as much power as you’re willing to give it.

<> Check your attitude. Know that you haverepparttar 123453 ability to controlrepparttar 123454 outcome, and/or to chooserepparttar 123455 answer that’s right for you.

<> Think of an alternative. If one answer doesn’t work, or if it doesn’t feel right, try another way to get torepparttar 123456 best solution.

<> Realize that your view ofrepparttar 123457 obstacle is what may determine how much impact it has on your life.

<> Think about what you were doing just beforerepparttar 123458 obstacle happened. Don’t make excuses to yourself. Turnrepparttar 123459 obstacle into a positive motivator. Then find a way to move toward your goal.


***FEAR OF FAILURE. Do you think of allrepparttar 123460 reasons not to pursue your goals because you might fail? What if you make a wrong choice? What happens when something doesn’t work out? These can be mind numbing experiences. Ask yourself if your fear keeps you from doing your best, or if you might lose a client or friend because of it.

***GUILT. No act, either big or small should make another person feel guilty. When you give your best, you have no reason to feel guilty. When you trust your feelings and are responsible for your actions, you’ll have no reason to feel guilty.

***CRITICISM. The Golden Rule prevails here. When you do (criticize) unto others, it (criticism) will be done unto you. If you can’t take criticism, don’t criticize others. Set boundaries between you and your critics. Try not to return criticism with criticism. You will berepparttar 123461 better person.

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