You Know You're Too Ethical When...

Written by Judith Kallos

Yeah, TOO ethical!? Lately, with some ofrepparttar issues I've had to deal with in my day to day business activities it seems I am one ofrepparttar 103082 rare few who is concerned about proper ethics and is naturally inclined to react with integrity.

The last straw was when faced with a dilemma of one of my client’s competitors "cheating" for positioning online by using tactics obviously againstrepparttar 103083 terms of service for most search sites, in this case Google. I explained that they had great listings (only one slot belowrepparttar 103084 cheaters) and that our plan was for long term successes whilerepparttar 103085 other guy’s could end at any moment. I then had to listen to this client lecture that I was too ethical when I would not use these same tactics to help gain listings for their site. They then commented "We'll have to work on you!"

Work on making me less ethical? Work on getting me to agree to breakrepparttar 103086 rules? It seems as of late my solid methodology of strong business staples, knowledge acquisition and long term strategizing seems to be making me a real PIA. See, I am not one of those who will say what a potential client wants to hear just to getrepparttar 103087 call back stating "send us a contract." Nor do I cater torepparttar 103088 hype and online schemes of quick results or easy income just to book another billable hour. Silly me.

How about all those online auctions whererepparttar 103089 item’s price is $1.00 only to find out they charge yourepparttar 103090 balance ofrepparttar 103091 product’s cost in "shipping and handling" fees? I sure wish eBay would nip that inrepparttar 103092 bud! Shipping and handling should be shipping and handling, not a combo ofrepparttar 103093 product’s price just sorepparttar 103094 seller can be listed asrepparttar 103095 least expensive ­ when in fact they are not.

I contacted one such seller online about this strategy and was typed to as though I wasrepparttar 103096 idiot ­ “dorepparttar 103097 math” he said. Is everything online turning intorepparttar 103098 best man wins that figures out how to use deceptive practices or sugar-coat reality torepparttar 103099 point of making your teeth ache just to make a buck? On second thought, don’t answer that...

I've been doing this long enough to know allrepparttar 103100 red flags, hype and pitfalls. And some of them do work inrepparttar 103101 short term - with certain demographics. I also knowrepparttar 103102 right way to do things and that if followed you will succeed - but you may not haverepparttar 103103 instant results allrepparttar 103104 fast, cheap and easy noise online claims is possible. When you deviate fromrepparttar 103105 line of what is right, it will always hit you inrepparttar 103106 back ofrepparttar 103107 head. Yes, sooner or later ­ sometimes later ­ but what comes around always does go around ­ even online.

Two Vital Abilities Any Leader Must Have

Written by Shaun Kirk, MHS, PT, MTC

As a business owner, you are a leader whether you like it or not. Whether you like it or not you have to guide your group in order to expand your organization. And whether you like it or not, there are some difficult situations that you have to confront and handle -- hopefully in a way that inspires confidence in you from your staff.

I commonly say that in order to be successful you only need to be right 51% ofrepparttar time. You really don’t have to be much more right than that to make it. Fortunately or unfortunatelyrepparttar 103081 more correct you are in your actions, decisions, policies, directions and programsrepparttar 103082 more agreement you get from your group.

Some people, one would say, are natural born leaders. I believe a natural born leader is one who is right more than 51% ofrepparttar 103083 time, but even more importantly is willing to be wrong 49% ofrepparttar 103084 time. He or she is willing to makerepparttar 103085 difficult decisions organizationally in planning, administration and justice withinrepparttar 103086 group. The group then respects him or her for makingrepparttar 103087 call and is more likely to supportrepparttar 103088 leader in future decisions.

If a business owner has guided his organization to high levels of prosperity over a period of time, when that business owner presents a new plan or goal torepparttar 103089 staff they are likely to support it because that leader has demonstrated a majority of correct decisions and actions inrepparttar 103090 past.

Conversely, if a business owner has not guided his organization to desired levels of success inrepparttar 103091 past, when that business owner presents a new plan or goal torepparttar 103092 staff they are likely to disagree with or not comply withrepparttar 103093 plan becauserepparttar 103094 leader has demonstrated a majority of incorrect decisions and actions inrepparttar 103095 past.

Business owners I have met commonly know what they should do but most ofrepparttar 103096 time they lackrepparttar 103097 courage to makerepparttar 103098 decision and act. I see this so often — an owner knows exactly what he needs to do to expand his organization or handle a particular staff member, but chooses to do something else; something easier to face, something easier to confront. This choice, in essence, makes him dorepparttar 103099 wrong thing. A real leader is one who doesrepparttar 103100 right thing forrepparttar 103101 group even if it doesn’t win a popularity contest.

If you formulate a positive plan, if you get agreement on it from your staff, if you are not weak about your orders and if you follow through and get compliance, you will expand.

We find in a less courageous leader an inability to issue an order and probably more importantlyrepparttar 103102 lack ofrepparttar 103103 ability to get compliance to that order. These are two vital abilities that any leader must possess. The ability to makerepparttar 103104 call andrepparttar 103105 ability to make sure it gets done.

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