You Can't Please Everyone

Written by John Colanzi

Are you trying to be all things to all people?

You can't do it.

If you're going to make a living onrepparttar Information Super Highway, or in any venture, you have to decide who you are.

If your potential customers don't know who you are, how do you expect them to buy from you?

You can't make a sale to everyone.

You can only sell to those who:

<> Want your product.

<> Need your product.

<> Desire your product.

You may haverepparttar 117943 ability to sell air conditioners to Eskimo's. But it's a lot easier to sell them in Florida.

Pick you're niche, dig in and stayrepparttar 117944 course.

Did you know that GM only sells their products to 2% ofrepparttar 117945 American population?

Do you think they're making money?

You bet they are!

They target their market and stick with it.

Do you think M & M promotes his albums in senior centers.

How I Made $68,000 Teaching E-Classes (Or, What I Learned From Wanting A Z3)

Written by Joe Vitale

One day I pulled up beside a truck delivering new cars. One ofrepparttar cars on his flatbed made my heart leap and my blood dance. I had never had a piece of machinery turn me on before. This one did. I fell in love.

It was a BMW Z3. A Roadster. A hot-rod. One ofrepparttar 117942 sexiest cars ever known to man and made by gods. Okay, maybe I'm overplaying it. Butrepparttar 117943 point is, this car spoke to me. I wanted it. And wanted it bad.

I also knew BMW's are pricey. Sorepparttar 117944 first thing I did was try to win one. I entered two contests where Z3's wererepparttar 117945 big prizes. I knew I would win. I was destined to have that car. But I didn't win. Alas. So much forrepparttar 117946 laws of chance. It was time to create my future.

So I decided I would just buyrepparttar 117947 car, and that I would pay cash for it. I had just completed a book on how to create miracles, called "Spiritual Marketing," and I figured I would prove to myself that I could create a Z3. So I used my own five-step method to getrepparttar 117948 sexiest car of my hottest dreams.

I began by setting an intention for getting that car. Oprah once said that "Intention rulesrepparttar 117949 Earth." I know it. My car's license plate holder says, "I amrepparttar 117950 power of intention." Once you declare that something will be so, you send a signal intorepparttar 117951 universe that begins to move that something to you, and you to it. Call it Real Magic. I call it one ofrepparttar 117952 most powerful steps inrepparttar 117953 Spiritual Marketing process. From that step alone, miracles can happen.

After I set my intention to have that car, I then acted onrepparttar 117954 hunches that bubbled up within me andrepparttar 117955 opportunities that came my way. To be more exact, here's what happened:

One day it occurred to me to offer a seminar onrepparttar 117956 subject of my new book. I could rent a hotel. Write a sales letter. Invite everyone I knew on my online and off-line list to it. I could make a killing in a weekend. That'srepparttar 117957 ticket!

But then it occurred to me that I don't like to market seminars, that I didn't know if it would sell, that postage and printing to promote it would cost a fortune, and that I'm not such a big fan of speaking in public, anyway.

And here's whererepparttar 117958 shift occurred:

I began to play withrepparttar 117959 idea that I could holdrepparttar 117960 seminar online. I would simply announcerepparttar 117961 "Spiritual Marketing" e-class to my email list. It would cost me zip. If no one signed up, so what?

But---BUT!---if they *did* sign-up, I could teachrepparttar 117962 entire class by email. Every week I would send out a lesson. I would give assignments. They would complete them and email them back. I would then comment on their homework. It would all be nice and neat, easy and convenient. Sounded good to me.

I decided to teach five weeks of classes, mainly because there were five chapters inrepparttar 117963 "Spiritual Marketing" book. I would send out one chapter a week as a lesson. I would add assignments to each one to make it more of a legit course.

Then I wondered, "What do I charge?" I spent a lot of time on this question. Most people give away their e-classes, if they teach them at all. A few charge low fees. But I wanted a BMW Z3. They cost $30-$40,000 each. Yikes!

Well, I decided I wanted 15 people in my class. That was an arbitrary number. I just figured if 15 people actually did their homework over a 5 week period, I would have my hands full reviewing it. So, like everything else inrepparttar 117964 developing of this first e-class, I simply "made up"repparttar 117965 class size.

I then divided 15 by how much I wanted to raise for my Z3. If 15 people paid me $2,000 each, I'd have enough to pay forrepparttar 117966 car in cash. But two grand a person seemed a bit high. So I settled for $1,500 a person.

I then issued a sales pitch/invitation to sign-up forrepparttar 117967 class to my email list. I have about 800 good names on my list. Sixteen of them immediately signed-up forrepparttar 117968 class. Talk about easy money!

The class was easy to do, too. The students lovedrepparttar 117969 lessons, my assignments, and my feedback. Only one person immediately asked to bow out, sayingrepparttar 117970 class wasn't for him. So I ended up with 15 people after all. I made $22,500. I was happy.

But I didn't stop there. A few weeks later I announced another e-class. This one on how to write, publish and promote your own e-book. I just followedrepparttar 117971 same model that already worked: I issued an invite to my email list, I went after 15 people, I charged $1,500 per person for a 5-week class. I got 12 paying customers. I made $18,000. Boy, am I loving this!

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