You're Going The Wrong Way !

Written by Peter Twist

'94% of Websites Are Failing'

That's a recent statistic that has been inrepparttar news, so how do you define failure?

I would say thatrepparttar 121376 site is either; not earning any money, is eating up money, or has no visitors.

So how can that be?

A business plan has been done, extensive market research has been undertaken and there's an ongoing marketing campaign...

or perhaps not? The trouble is thatrepparttar 121377 internet has made people wear blinkers, you would have thought thatrepparttar 121378 'Dot Bomb' disasters would have made people sit up and realise that it ain't that easy. But no.

Many think that you just come up with your great product or idea, spend a couple of weeks (or months) learningrepparttar 121379 web site software then designingrepparttar 121380 killer website that everyone will love.

These days, there are enough people who think that leaving their full-time job and setting up their own businesses isrepparttar 121381 way to a better life and exciting future, or sorepparttar 121382 banks want us to believe.

Very quickly, would-be entrepreneurs realise that it usually takes time, commitment, sacrifice and many failures beforerepparttar 121383 business begins to work.

Turning Problems Into Profits And Solutions Into Sales

Written by Noel Peebles


By Noel Peebles People don’t buy products or services - they buy solutions to problems. They buy what those products or services will do for them. People don’t want you to sell them something. They want you to solve a problem. That’s why I say - don’t sell products, solve problems! “Solve what?” you may ask. For instance, solve their problem of: - Not having enough money - Looking old - Being overweight - Having dry skin - Not being loved - Or solve their fear of being burgled or mugged When you think about it, solving these types of problems could mean big profits for you. Once you’ve identified a problem,repparttar trick then is to find ways torepparttar 121375 solve problem easily, painlessly, quickly and cheaply. And think about this too. People will exchange their hard-earned cash when and where they feel good. When they buy solutions to their problems, what they're buying isrepparttar 121376 expectation of feeling good. It’s because, they know they've maderepparttar 121377 right decision. That’s all very well, but how does that relate to a product or service you may already be marketing? Simple! The secret is to turn product (or service) features into problem-solving benefits. That's a sure way to increase your sales. Here are some examples of what I mean: § People don’t buy airline tickets...they’re buyingrepparttar 121378 quickest way to get from LA to Denver. § People don’t buy perfume. They’re buying love and affection. § They don’t buy ice cream. They’re buying cool, tasty, indulgence. § They don’t buy books. They’re buying information, guidance, help and entertainment. § And people don’t buy a business opportunity. They’re buying an end

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