You're At Risk For Osteoporosis! Thousands Of Women Die From Osteoporosis Yearly

Written by Phil Beckett

Osteoporosis Risks & Prevention Options By Phil Beckett Copyright ©

Osteoporosis is a condition that involvesrepparttar loss of bone mass, which results in chronic, progressive bone weakening.

This "thinning" ofrepparttar 115623 bones can be caused by a number of disorders, but is most frequently seen as a consequence of age.

Osteoporosis is much more common in women, who usually begin to developrepparttar 115624 disorder aroundrepparttar 115625 time of menopause, a time marked by a drop inrepparttar 115626 body's estrogen level.

While most cases are associated with menopause, any other condition that causes a drop in estrogen can lead to osteoporosis.

Besides advancing age and being female, other risk factors for osteoporosis are:

- Early menopause; - Family history; - White or Asian race; - Not getting enough calcium in your diet; - Smoking; - Alcohol; - Lack of exercise; - Low body weight; - Small stature.

Osteoporosis causes approximately one million fractures in postmenopausal women every year.

Tens of thousands of deaths in women each a year are associated with complications of osteoporosis.

How To Recognize Osteoporosis:

The pain of osteoporosis often goes unnoticed. The following signs indicate you may have osteoporosis:

- Height loss - Back pain - Bone fragility - Bone fracture

Fractures that occur as a result of very minor trauma are oftenrepparttar 115627 first sign of osteoporosis.

About 35 percent of vertebral fractures are not painful. They are sometimes only detected by height loss, chronic back pain, and kyphosis.

Hip and other serious fractures are usually caused by a fall.

Osteoporosis Prevention Is The Key:

First and foremost, make sure that you exercise using a properly structured fitness and nutrition program...

And do it on a regular basis! This is an excellent option for preventing osteoporosis. This must include exercise with weights. It is very important for good health and strong bones.

Make sure you are getting enough calcium. Calcium builds strong bones.

Foods such as such as milk; yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products; and dark green and leafy vegetables do contain calcium.

But, unfortunately, you just cannot get enough from these food sources.

Therefore, you must take a calcium supplement to ensure you are getting enough.

Don't Smoke. Besidesrepparttar 115628 many health risks caused by smoking, women who smoke have more chance of getting osteoporosis.

Rejuvenation and Protein Revolution in Your Kitchen

Written by Marilyn Diamond

Article Title: Rejuvenation andrepparttar Protein Revolution in Your Kitchen Author Name: Marilyn Diamond Contact Email Address: Word Count: 464 Category: Self-help, Alternative Health, Weight Loss Copyright Date: 2003

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Rejuvenation andrepparttar 115623 Protein Revolution in Your Kitchen©2003 Marilyn Diamond

If you’re like me, you want to see some serious rejuvenation when you look inrepparttar 115624 mirror. But you’re not interested in Botox, chemical peels, micro-dermabrasion, lypo-suction, jaw and cheek implants and allrepparttar 115625 other pricey, temporary, somewhat invasive “solutions.”

If you’re like me, I’m sure you spend at least a few minutes everyday making sure you’re getting your protein. Who isn’t focused on protein these days?

There’s a protein revolution going on. It’s happening inrepparttar 115626 chic restaurants in Santa Monica, California, where diet revolutions take birth. Hollywood stars withrepparttar 115627 prettiest skin and most slender, taut-muscled bodies are into it. Celebrity chefs are racing to master it. And web commerce businesses that push it are thriving.

It’srepparttar 115628 rage in Boston,repparttar 115629 buzz in Miami, and it’s spreading like wildfire from San Diego to Wichita to Philadelphia, PA.

You may as well jump onrepparttar 115630 bandwagon. It’s going to overtake everything else inrepparttar 115631 diet world inrepparttar 115632 months and years to come. Why wait?

Why not berepparttar 115633 first in your group to look like you just came from one of those $25,000 health spa experiences that took twenty-five pounds and twenty-five years off your life?

If you’re worn out fromrepparttar 115634 struggle to lose those annoying bulges, this is your kind of revolution. If you want to go torepparttar 115635 jean size you wore when you know you looked your best, now’srepparttar 115636 time.

All you have to do is eat sprouts for protein.

Sprouts for protein? Who ever heard of that?

It’s not a fad, really. Before we had fire, we knewrepparttar 115637 value of sprouting grains, legumes and seeds. We knew instinctively that Nature had created them as potent nutritional bundles of health and energy. Without science at our disposal to tell us what we needed, we automatically germinated and sprouted these concentrated natural sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. We built our bodies on them.

Hung up on protein?

Amino acids are proteins in their most digestible form. Pound for pound, lentils and other sprouted beans give you as much protein as red meat, chicken or fish, with none ofrepparttar 115638 fat, cholesterol, hormones, anti-biotics, and dangerous rendered feed residues found in animal proteins today.

Not to mentionrepparttar 115639 cost.

The lentils and other beans you sprout in your kitchen cost just pennies per pound. Think about this next time you pull $10.00 out your wallet for a small package of skinless, boneless chicken breasts or fish fillets.

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to rejuvenate?

Just this month, try something different. Grow fresh protein in your kitchen.

Simply purchase a pound of red or green lentils or mung beans. You’ll find them in packages in your supermarket or in bulk in your favorite natural food store.

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