Yoga As An Aid To Weight Loss

Written by Roy Thomsitt

Yoga is wonderful for nurturing a state of mental and physical well being . It promotes a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and yoga techniques can be applied also to removing excess weight, thus bringing you an extra benefit, that is if being overweight is a problem to you.

Practicing yoga will increase your metabolism. An increased metabolism leads to an increase inrepparttar calorie burning process, so combining yoga with a calorie burning program may bring you excellent results. Of course,repparttar 140659 use of yoga is no rapid weight loss method. Used over a period of time, though, it can bring good results. If you keep torepparttar 140660 rigours imposed by yoga discipline, you should gain a holistic, long term solution to balance your life style and help you reduce and prevent any surplus weight. In addition to losing weight, you will also experience an increased ability to concentrate and focus, higher resistance to stress factors, and overall a healthier way of life.

Let me just explain a little more about how yoga will benefit you. Your metabolism is regulated byrepparttar 140661 thyroid, a component ofrepparttar 140662 endocrine system. The thyroid is responsible forrepparttar 140663 chemical processes in your body that transform food into energy. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that stimulaterepparttar 140664 work flow ofrepparttar 140665 internal organs, thus boosting metabolism. This in turn burns more calories, and reduces your body weight. Improved local blood circulation is another direct effect ofrepparttar 140666 use of yoga postures, which leads to a healthier, more energetic body. Whenrepparttar 140667 calorie intake is lower thanrepparttar 140668 calorie output, your body will start burning fat cells to acquirerepparttar 140669 necessary energy. A perfectly healthy and strong metabolism takes this process even further, and you may well see better results than traditional weight loss formulas.

To stimulate metabolism, various back bends and forward bends are used. Poses that affectrepparttar 140670 neck area, whererepparttar 140671 thyroid gland is situated, are particularly helpful ifrepparttar 140672 weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance. These poses can be those ofrepparttar 140673 camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and shoulder stand. Moving quickly between a series of poses can acceleraterepparttar 140674 process. To those who are well overweight, some ofrepparttar 140675 bends may prove to be a difficult. If you fall into that category, don't despair. You should gradually increaserepparttar 140676 difficulty ofrepparttar 140677 postures until you haverepparttar 140678 confidence to go to more complex exercises. This is not a test or a competition; you need to be relaxed and at ease, and just do what you can. Each time, you will probably find it that much easier, and you can do a little more.

Yoga As An Aid To Weight Loss

Written by Roy Thomsitt

Yoga is wonderful for nurturing a state of mental and physical well being . It promotes a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and yoga techniques can be applied also to removing excess weight, thus bringing you an extra benefit, that is if being overweight is a problem to you.

Practicing yoga will increase your metabolism. An increased metabolism leads to an increase inrepparttar calorie burning process, so combining yoga with a calorie burning program may bring you excellent results. Of course,repparttar 140658 use of yoga is no rapid weight loss method. Used over a period of time, though, it can bring good results. If you keep torepparttar 140659 rigours imposed by yoga discipline, you should gain a holistic, long term solution to balance your life style and help you reduce and prevent any surplus weight. In addition to losing weight, you will also experience an increased ability to concentrate and focus, higher resistance to stress factors, and overall a healthier way of life.

Let me just explain a little more about how yoga will benefit you. Your metabolism is regulated byrepparttar 140660 thyroid, a component ofrepparttar 140661 endocrine system. The thyroid is responsible forrepparttar 140662 chemical processes in your body that transform food into energy. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that stimulaterepparttar 140663 work flow ofrepparttar 140664 internal organs, thus boosting metabolism. This in turn burns more calories, and reduces your body weight. Improved local blood circulation is another direct effect ofrepparttar 140665 use of yoga postures, which leads to a healthier, more energetic body. Whenrepparttar 140666 calorie intake is lower thanrepparttar 140667 calorie output, your body will start burning fat cells to acquirerepparttar 140668 necessary energy. A perfectly healthy and strong metabolism takes this process even further, and you may well see better results than traditional weight loss formulas.

To stimulate metabolism, various back bends and forward bends are used. Poses that affectrepparttar 140669 neck area, whererepparttar 140670 thyroid gland is situated, are particularly helpful ifrepparttar 140671 weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance. These poses can be those ofrepparttar 140672 camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and shoulder stand. Moving quickly between a series of poses can acceleraterepparttar 140673 process. To those who are well overweight, some ofrepparttar 140674 bends may prove to be a difficult. If you fall into that category, don't despair. You should gradually increaserepparttar 140675 difficulty ofrepparttar 140676 postures until you haverepparttar 140677 confidence to go to more complex exercises. This is not a test or a competition; you need to be relaxed and at ease, and just do what you can. Each time, you will probably find it that much easier, and you can do a little more.

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