Yes You Can

Written by Dr Kem Thompson

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YES YOU CAN! by Dr Kem Thompson (c)2003

If you could change one thing in your life today, what would it be? Why don't you have some ofrepparttar 123548 things you'd like to have, and why do you have some? What'srepparttar 123549 reason forrepparttar 123550 inconsistency?

Do you find yourself wondering what people think of you? Has that line of thinking ever made you doubt your abilities and your potential?

Do you ever catch yourself thinking 'I can't do that, I'm not good enough' or 'that level of success and prosperity is for them, not for poor old me', or other similar thoughts?

One thing you must realize is that your success in any venture starts with your thoughts about it. If you think you can succeed (in losing weight, stopping smoking, securing a high-income- paying job, finding your ideal partner, etc, etc), you're already on your way to getting what you want.

Someone once said (I forget who)'if you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right'. It's up to you to make things happen in your life.

The way your mind works, it accepts whatever you feed it as reality. So if you feed it with thoughts of success (eg 'I CAN lose weight healthily', 'I CAN stop smoking', 'I CAN find a high- income paying job, etc, etc), it will work to make it happen.

You'll become alert to opportunities (and they are all around you if you'd only open your eyes and look) to move you towards your desired results.

Conversely, if you feed your mind with negative thoughts such asrepparttar 123551 ones above, your mind doesn't bother to find solutions to your problems. It closes up. You wouldn't recognize an opportunity to help you out if it slapped you inrepparttar 123552 face.

You know, it takesrepparttar 123553 same amount of effort to think positive thoughts as it takes to think negative thoughts. If positive thoughts help move you towards your goals while negative ones move you further away from them, it makes sense to dwell onrepparttar 123554 positive.

Use friendly discussions to advance your career

Written by Brenda Koritko

Think about allrepparttar different people that you chat with on a regular basis. This group most likely includes family, friends, classmates, neighbors, and co-workers. Then, think aboutrepparttar 123545 people that you have pleasant, often personal, discussions with from time to time. This group might include your hair stylist, parents atrepparttar 123546 local baseball field, merchants in your community, or people in your religious community. Next, review any lists or rosters you have for professional organizations, social clubs, or athletic clubs. These lists will help you remember folks you meet occasionally.

Just by completing these simple tasks, you have completedrepparttar 123547 first step of effective networking. You have identified your existing network, and you are ready to begin organizing your networking strategy usingrepparttar 123548 information you have gathered to create a dynamic contact list. You know people that know people. It is easy to expand your network quickly once you identify your core group of great connections.

Don’t focus on whererepparttar 123549 people you have identified work. When you have finished listing allrepparttar 123550 people in your existing network, rank these people by how comfortable you feel with them. Plan to build your confidence by contactingrepparttar 123551 people atrepparttar 123552 top of your list first.

Keep a handwritten record, or enter your information in a database. Make this decision based on what isrepparttar 123553 most convenient way to make sure that you have easy access your information. Include some, or all, ofrepparttar 123554 following information in your record: referral source; contact and organization name;repparttar 123555 date of your meeting; key information gathered; follow-up action/s, andrepparttar 123556 date you sent a thank you letter.

Family and friends are a valuable resource. Plan to askrepparttar 123557 people you know for advice, opinions, information, help, ideas, research, or suggestions. How many times have you shared information withrepparttar 123558 people on your contact list? How many times have they spoken to you about their families, mutual friends, orrepparttar 123559 challenging and exciting events that they are experiencing in their workplace? I am guessingrepparttar 123560 number is beyond measure, and that you have access to an endless number of rewarding opportunities to explore.

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