Yes, You Can Have Your Cheeseburger And Keep Your Health Too!

Written by Melanie Jordan

I still get a kick out ofrepparttar looks of disbelief I get when I tell people that as part of my healthy, meatless diet, I eat cheeseburgers every chance I get. They tell me, "that's ridiculous--if you eat cheeseburgers, of course you're eating meat". Wrong!

I had been a healthy eater for years, but when I tookrepparttar 115910 next step and decided to go what I call "NMP" (no meat or poultry), I knew that if making that transition was going to work, I had to find a way to eat food I'd actually heard of and wanted to eat. I didn't see myself regularly eating tofu. I didn't want to eat like a rabbit. I was a child when fast food franchising really came into its own, and today we live in a world where you can have four branches ofrepparttar 115911 exact same fast food chain within six miles, and twelve different places to buy a hamburger in one mile's distance! I also had my favorites from family dinners, restaurants and clipped magazine recipes.

It took some time, but I eventually came to realize that virtually anything I wanted to eat, had a more healthful non-meat/poultry version. Forget everything you've heard about going meatless either full-time, or from time-to-time. I follow an "NMP" eating style full-time, and I regularly eat delicious food like cheeseburgers, chicken parmesan, tacos, BLTs and chicken caesar salad (in their non-meat/poultry versions of course).

I feel that one ofrepparttar 115912 big reasons that most people will not consider going without meat and poultry, or that those who try it do not successfully stick with it, is because they try to make themselves eat things they don't enjoy, and toss a lot of their old favorites outrepparttar 115913 window. This goes against many of their natural eating patterns, so it ends up being only a matter of time before they can't stand it anymore and go back to what was familiar and enjoyable. Add to that what I call "meat and poultry eaters peer pressure" from friends, family and co- workers, andrepparttar 115914 "NMP" lifestyle becomes too difficult.

Cholesterol And Your Body's Health

Written by Rita Lambros-Segur, M.H.

Just what is this matter we call cholesterol, anyway? Webster's College Dictionary, 1995 edition, states: "a sterol, abundant in animal fats, brain and nerve tissue, meat and eggs, that functions inrepparttar body as a membrane constituent and as a precursor of steroid hormones and bile acids: high levels inrepparttar 115909 blood are associated with arteriosclerosis and gallstones."

That's a mouthful. But without cholesterolrepparttar 115910 body cannot makerepparttar 115911 sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and vitamin D. Excess cholesterol is converted in repparttar 115912 liver to bile acids, which are normally eliminated inrepparttar 115913 feces.

Some experts feel high levels of cholesterol have very little to do with dietary intake of it. There is a correlation between blood cholesterol levels andrepparttar 115914 incidence of coronary artery disease. One must, however, distinguish betweenrepparttar 115915 total blood cholesterol level andrepparttar 115916 cholesterol portion inrepparttar 115917 blood carried by HDL (high-density lipoprotein). Before you begin a strict program to reduce cholesterol blood levels, checkrepparttar 115918 total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol ratio first. This risk ratio can be determined by a simple blood test by any medical doctor

There does exist hope, however, when one has reason for concern over their blood work. But remember--the body is a fantastic mechanism and always moves itself toward health. To help it along, it needs proper information.

This "information" that I speak of has to do with more than adequate nutrition. In addition to eating more raw fruits and vegetables, and drinking pure water, try to locate a sound nutritional supplier. Years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling's work demonstratedrepparttar 115919 value of Vitamin C in helpingrepparttar 115920 body dislodge and eliminate harmful arterial plaque. If you were to go to your favorite health store or drug store for Vitamin C, you probably would not receiverepparttar 115921 same benefits as Dr. Pauling did. Why is that? (Pauling, Linus & Cameron, Ewan. "Cancer and Vitamin C." Camino Books. Philadelphia, PA, 1993.)

Because nutrients must be in an appropriate electrical matrix or else they are not functional torepparttar 115922 human body. For instance, Vitamin C is sold worldwide but as a synthetic supplement, usually in a chewable tablet. Unfortunately, isolated Vitamin C is not in a proper electrical matrix making it as useless torepparttar 115923 human body as sawdust. Instead, Vitamin C must be combined in a matrix form with trace minerals, bioflavonoids and electrolytes. Only when introduced in this particular matrix or pattern canrepparttar 115924 human body actually userepparttar 115925 nutritional information present inrepparttar 115926 Vitamin C.

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