Yahoo Auctions is now Free!

Written by Ratliff J

Here is some great news if you are currently earning a living or making some extra cash through auctions or were considering it.

Yahoo Auctions has announced that they will stop charging fees for US based auctions. This is designed forrepparttar consumer auctions primarily but has very important implications for internet marketers as well.

“Yahoo! Auctions has changed its pricing to create a model that is free for all consumers listing items on our Auctions platform. We have eliminated all fees associated with Auctions listings, including listing fees and final value fees. Many users have been asking for this type of structure, and we are happy to provide it as a way to strengthen our partnership withrepparttar 141906 seller community and clearly demonstrate our commitment to our sellers' success. The new pricing model will go into effect Monday, June 6, 2005“ Visit forrepparttar 141907 full story.

Set Up Your Own Blog Free

Written by Jim Edwards

I've received a lot of email lately from people asking how they can set up their own blogs for family, friends, or business purposes without spending much money or hiring an expensive programmer or web developer.

Well, ask no more because I will now show you exactly how to get your own blog without dipping too far into your own pocket (if at all) and get up and running, even if you don't have your own website, hosting account, or domain name.

You basically get two choices when it comes to setting up a blog: host it yourself, or use a service that hostsrepparttar blog for you.

Each one carries advantages based on your level of skill, experience and how many options you want to add to your blog.

If you choose to host your blog on your own website, then you can pick from a number of different options, including and

However, if you don't want to host it yourself, you can also go to, put inrepparttar 141788 term "free blog" and obtain a long list of services that will host a blog for you, either free of charge or for a fee.

Probablyrepparttar 141789 best-known free blog service resides at

Recently purchased by Google, Blogger boasts thousands of blogs on topics ranging from ecommerce to pet manners.

Blogger enables you to set up a functional blog in about 5 minutes and start posting your thoughts, rants, or family facts withrepparttar 141790 world.

Log on to and find another free option offered by Microsoft's online service, MSN.

This service makes it a bit easier to share photos than Blogger, which requires a separate software tool called Picasa (also available from Google for free).

MSN's blogger service also seems to appeal more to individuals sharing their thoughts than to businesses trying to scare up new customers or get their links crawled by search engine spiders (another advantage of publishing a blog).

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