Yacht and Ship Registration in the Isle of Man

Written by The Chesterfield Group

The maritime history ofrepparttar Isle of Man dates fromrepparttar 111858 eighteenth century andrepparttar 111859 Island is recognised internationally as an efficient and well- run centre for both registration and management. It was ranked third inrepparttar 111860 world by Port State Authority in September 2004.

The Marine Administration was established in 1984 and offers 24 hour cover for both yacht and ship owners. Local legislation has also been amended to adoptrepparttar 111861 “Megayacht” code and enable commercial yachts exceeding 24 metres to be registered onrepparttar 111862 Island.

Benefits of registering a vessel onrepparttar 111863 Isle of Man include

•A zero rate of tax for shipping related activities •No annual tonnage dues •A low registration fee •Attractive VAT arrangements •Security of mortgages registered onrepparttar 111864 Island •A Demise Charter Register, both in and out •British Flag and support of British Consular services •Flexibility inrepparttar 111865 requirements for registered owners including limited partnerships

Merchant ships to be registered inrepparttar 111866 Isle of Man should be registered with one ofrepparttar 111867 approved Classification Societies and it is a requirement that functions of effective management are undertaken by a ship management company, resident inrepparttar 111868 Isle of Man, having responsibility forrepparttar 111869 ship.

Identity Theft. You are not Immune.

Written by David Wilding

As identity theft becomes more prevalent,repparttar need to regularly check your credit report is very easy to see and understand. Two big headlines inrepparttar 111856 news recently point to how closely tied your credit report and identity theft are.

First, we hear ofrepparttar 111857 troubles of Choice Point, a company involved inrepparttar 111858 storage and distribution of credit information. It appears some criminals set up a fake company and used it to obtain sensitive credit information. Then in turn they used it to stealrepparttar 111859 identities of about 750 people. That number will probably grow, since more than 500,000 people acrossrepparttar 111860 country have been put at risk.

Second, comesrepparttar 111861 story about missing computer tapes containing credit card records of more than 1.2 million of Bank of America cardholders. Most ofrepparttar 111862 accounts belonged to federal government employees. This has placedrepparttar 111863 account holders in danger of increased risk of identity theft.

Both of these companies are now inrepparttar 111864 process of notifyingrepparttar 111865 people of their exposure. The truly bad part of allrepparttar 111866 problems is these leaks and losses occurred months ago. These two companies were not very quick in notifyingrepparttar 111867 people affected. Way too much damage could have been done before they had been alerted torepparttar 111868 trouble.

Whilerepparttar 111869 headlines may change,repparttar 111870 need to check your credit report does not. You may be very careful. You may shred your documents,repparttar 111871 credit card and other financial solicitations you receive inrepparttar 111872 mail. You may take great care how and where you give out your financial information. Unfortunately as these stories show, it may not be enough.

Identity theft affects about 10 million victims per year. It has been estimated to cost consumers and businesses more than 50 billion dollars a year. It is easily amongrepparttar 111873 fastest growing categories of white collar crime. You need to do all you can to fight theft of your identity.

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