Written by Dianne Goodman, CPA

Now isrepparttar best time to start thinking about your year end tax planning for your business. These tax strategies can be put into effect byrepparttar 103700 end ofrepparttar 103701 year and some as late as whenrepparttar 103702 tax return is due. Planning now will save you money and reduce your tax liability not only with your IRS taxes but also with your state taxes. Here are tax tips that will help you accomplish your goal.


If you don’t receive payment untilrepparttar 103703 first week of January for cash basis tax returns and don’t bill until January for accrual basis tax returns, you have effectively deferred your income. This works well if your 2005 income is equal to or less than it was for 2004. If not, you are delayingrepparttar 103704 inevitable and potentially putting yourself in a higher tax bracket for 2005.


Anything charged on your business credit card December 31st and prior is deductible in 2004 even if it is paid in 2005. You can also write a check on December 31st that you would have normally paid in January. You may want to get a confirmation receipt to prove you mailed those checks in 2004. This works well if your 2005 income is equal to or less than it was for 2004. If not, you are delayingrepparttar 103705 inevitable and potentially putting yourself in a higher tax bracket for 2005.


See for an example of what you can do with that available profit tax deferred until retirement. This is a fantastic option for those who haverepparttar 103706 cash and want to contribute money into their personal retirement account and deduct that contribution from their corporate earnings. Does it get any better than that?


You can deduct up to $100,000 in equipment and software purchases forrepparttar 103707 year under Section 179 depreciation expense. This includes sport utility vehicles, pickups and vans with a gross vehicle weight rating over 6,000 pounds. However, businesses should be aware ofrepparttar 103708 change due torepparttar 103709 American Jobs Creation Act of 2004. Certain sport utility vehicles (SUV’s) are limited to $25,000 if they were placed in service after October 22, 2004.

Delegate or Die

Written by Megan Tough

You Can't Do It All - Learning To Delegate

There is not a single management skill more critical to your personal and professional success as an entrepreneur than learning to delegate. But delegating successfully is much more than simply handing out assignments. It is more an exercise in understanding and accepting our own strengths and limitations.

In this fast paced world, we must choose what activities it makes sense for us to do ourselves, and what it makes sense to let go of. None of us can be an expert in everything - not because of any lack of intellectual ability, but more because we lack specific exposure or experience. We must learn to accept this fact and be OK with it.

How do you fillrepparttar gaps in your expertise? Let's consider a real life example. My own areas of expertise lie in business and operational management, understanding people and coaching. This is my business. When I wanted to create a single web-page to market a workshop I was developing I had to make a decision. I have (very) rudimentary skills in web page creation. While all ofrepparttar 103699 software I need is at my fingertips,repparttar 103700 question is "Do I really have time to learn it?"

I ask myself: "Should I spend several hours - probably a whole day if I'm being honest - learning to grasprepparttar 103701 software and design my own web-page" Or should I spend some money and hire somebody who already knowsrepparttar 103702 software?" Then all I need to do is supplyrepparttar 103703 content.

I am tempted to go it alone - after all, I love technology and knowing how to use it (that's my ego talking!). But atrepparttar 103704 end ofrepparttar 103705 day, my time is better spent working on other aspects ofrepparttar 103706 business. So I outsourcedrepparttar 103707 job.

In making your own decisions,repparttar 103708 key is in determining what you need to know, want to know, must know, and already know. And how your time would best be spent.

Find Experts and Build Partnerships Jack of all trades, master of none. The old adage holds a lot of weight in today's entrepreneurial environment. No one can possibly run a small business alone.

Anyone who has their own business will know that they could never have gotten it offrepparttar 103709 ground withoutrepparttar 103710 help of at least an accountant and a lawyer. Perhaps you also needed a graphic designer or administrative assistance.

It is important to surround yourself with competent experts who have complimentary areas of expertise. Choose carefully and wisely and be ready to compensate these individuals for a job well done. These people are your business partners - people who will give yourepparttar 103711 advice and information you need to make decisions. When you build excellent relationships with your partners, you may be able to arrange better terms. Payment need not always come inrepparttar 103712 form of dollars. With strong partner relationships you may be able to trade your expertise for theirs.

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