XML Promises and challenges

Written by Ror Sabo

XML Born

XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.0 standard was published February 10, 1998. XML was born fromrepparttar shortcomings of SGML [Structured Generalized Markup Language] which

was hugely complex, massively flexible and just plain hard to work with for many developers. XML has taken off because it has allrepparttar 105567 best of SGML without many ofrepparttar 105568 weakness.

XML Goal

XML took us beyond mere presentation of information and intorepparttar 105569 realm of representation

of information. This content is not just a mass of data to be rendered solely for viewing

on a web browser. Nowrepparttar 105570 content could be structured andrepparttar 105571 meaning attached to this

structure could be transmitted as well.

HTML's difficulties: 1- HTML does not reveal anything aboutrepparttar 105572 information to which HTML tags are applied.

HTML tag names don't describe what content is, they only imply how content appears.

For examplerepparttar 105573 html tag "Microsoft" appears on a web browser but HTML can not

tell is it a computer corporation? A Software? A Brand name?

2- Web applications relied too much on scripts atrepparttar 105574 server to processrepparttar 105575 data.

This makesrepparttar 105576 web slow and contributes to internet traffic.

3- You can't add new tags to HTML Language that are meaningful and useful.

4- HTML is a presentation technology only.

XML Success The Java technology, enables browsers to function as generalized application platforms. The result is True platform independence. XML provides information rich in metadata specified

in a standard format, XML and Java technology make it possible for more of an application's

work to be processed at a client side. This contrasts withrepparttar 105577 tendency of HTML pages to rely

on a script back atrepparttar 105578 server. With XML and Java technology, more client-based application

processing could reduce network and internet traffic, makingrepparttar 105579 web faster.

XML challenges Converting any information from a display format such as HTML, RTF, MIF, or PostScript to a

structured format like XML will require that you understand what your information really

contains. This requires a document analysis andrepparttar 105580 determination of information semantics on which different parts of your enterprise rely. Many enterprises in different business sectors

have established industry standard information models that can be expressed in XML and, more

importantly, can be shared.

Oncerepparttar 105581 relevant information models and their expressions in XML are constructed,repparttar 105582 effort to convert existing information intorepparttar 105583 XML format can proceed. It may or may not be painful,

depending onrepparttar 105584 condition ofrepparttar 105585 existing documents. These efforts can be done in house, or they

can be completed withrepparttar 105586 help of qualified consultants.

XML Resources: Easy XML is a simple XML editor that aids inrepparttar 105587 rapid building of XML applications. Microsoft XML for SQL Web allows you to query database tables and receiverepparttar 105588 results as an XML document.

Microsoft XML Notepad is a simple HTML prototyping application for building and editing small sets of XML-based data.

Using free Web Page Templates

Written by Stephen Cope

Using free Web Page Templates

Templates are used to makerepparttar website look and feel consistent. All websites are built using templates and many website authoring tools and packages include templates. Here we will look atrepparttar 105566 templates that are available and go on to make web pages using these templates.

 Template Types

Templates are created by designers using various tools, and some i.e. FrontPage templates may requirerepparttar 105567 hosting server to support FrontPage Extensions. Therefore my advice for beginners is to avoid templates of this type and use only plain HTML templates. Some ofrepparttar 105568 types you will see

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