Success Tactics for Ezine marketinghi there
Have you ever put together an informative and interesting newsletter. Then your current subscibers tell you that there are pleased to tell you how much their enjoyed it, then ask yourself why you are having so much trouble getting new subsribers?
truth is their is loads of free newsletters out their to anyone who wants to recieve them so bad luck for ezine editors free is not enough to bring people to you okay here is a few ways to build your list
1.Never Give up
Marketing your newsletter is
only way you`re going to get new subsribers. First things first you need to let people know that your newsletter is available. Then pursuade them that you have something unique and valauble to offer. Come up with a informative desrription that gives them
benefits of subscribing, and then start getting it out there ways to promote your ezine could be:
Include subscription links within your eBooks or reports.
Propose ezine co-opts with other editors: you can promote your newsletters together for extra exposure
Experiment with pop-up subscription boxes
Put a signup box on every page of your website
Write articles and leave a link to your ezine in your resource box
Promote your ezine in your sig file
Use announcement lists
Submit to ezine directories
2. Try Pay-Per-subscribers Services.
Surely you`ve heard
phrase Time is money. Well By now you have realised Marketing takes up a lot of time. More editors are turning to Pay-per-subsriber Services to help them grow their lists. An example of one service is
These services will charge you for each service that they find for you. Which could range from $0.10 to $0.80 do shop around. These services will charde you more if you use
double opt-in method than if you were to use
single opt-in method
Why would you want to use these services well you could be:
Low website traffic to get a steady stream of new subscribers
you don`t have enough time to spend marketing or you have a lack of desire to spend
time necessary to promote your your ezine