Writing fiction can be fun too!

Written by Gary R. Hess

Writing fiction is something that all of us have trouble with at one time or another. The thought of coming up with a story which didn’t even happy can sometimes even result in shock.

The best way is to approach thisrepparttar same way as you would a non-fiction story. First, you want to brainstorm. You don’t have to do this all at once, you might want to do your daily chores or watch some television… This always helps withrepparttar 128832 brainstorming. The ideas will come quickly so you might want to take a pencil and paper with you so you don’t forget it.

Next, choose which idea you think is best not which is easiest. You want this story to be exciting and thrilling with lots of events.

After you have chosen which idea you want to use, begin creating your characters. Write outrepparttar 128833 main characters of your story with short descriptions of each. Describe what their personalities are like and what they look like as well. This will later prove to be very helpful inrepparttar 128834 story making process. You don’t have to give “concrete” names to any ofrepparttar 128835 characters as of yet. That can come later; this is just to give a hint at what your limitations will be for each character.

Keeping your readers interested when writing non-fiction

Written by Gary R. Hess

Writing non-fiction might berepparttar easiest of all writings, but it’s not alwaysrepparttar 128831 easiest to keep your readers interested.

When writing non-fictionrepparttar 128832 best thing to do is research, even whenrepparttar 128833 story is about you, research. Readers are generally well educated, and chances are, they will know when something is not quite right. As well, if you are writing a paper for a class or to educate about a certain subject, research is a must.

Onrepparttar 128834 other hand, be sure to not overdue it. Readers do not need to know whyrepparttar 128835 sky is blue and why horses aren’t used for glue anymore. Give them basic facts which relate to what you are trying to say.

Another necessity when writing non-fiction, or even fiction for that matter, is using plenty of details. Details, details, details!!! Readers love details.

Want to write about Susie’s new hairstyle? Tell us whatrepparttar 128836 color is, whatrepparttar 128837 length is and how it lays. It allowsrepparttar 128838 reader to visualizerepparttar 128839 characters and setting better. Since this is not a movie, this is what needs to be said.

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