Writing a press release

Written by Jakob Jelling

When dealing with "this-just-in" type information, it is important to understand how to write a head-turning press release. A press release must contain substantial information that you consider to be newsworthy and substantial. Relaterepparttar news torepparttar 103336 audience. Spell out for them WHY it is newsworthy and why they should read on. First describe your news, and THEN tell who said it, etc. Remember thatrepparttar 103337 first ten words in your press release arerepparttar 103338 attention-getters, thus should be effective. Use what journalists refer to as plain-style language, not fancy words or lots of adjectives. Stick torepparttar 103339 facts; avoid fluff. Provide plenty of contact information (the name, phone numbers, fax etc.) forrepparttar 103340 person withrepparttar 103341 most information aboutrepparttar 103342 story to make it as easy as possible forrepparttar 103343 media to do their job!

When learning how to write a press release, there is a very simple formula that one can follow. The first line inrepparttar 103344 upper left-hand corner should read FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, in all capital letters. Then skip a few lines and providerepparttar 103345 name ofrepparttar 103346 contact person and allrepparttar 103347 contact information available. Evenrepparttar 103348 home phone number ofrepparttar 103349 contact person is necessary because journalists typically work late at night to meet deadlines. Your headline follows in bold letters, followed byrepparttar 103350 dateline that includesrepparttar 103351 city andrepparttar 103352 daterepparttar 103353 release is mailed.

Filing for a patent

Written by Jakob Jelling

How many times does this scenario happen: You have a great idea. You think you can make millions. You tell all your family and friends about it. The next thing you know, your great idea is being broadcasted on infomercials and some other guy is making millions off of your idea. In order to prevent this all-too-common situation,repparttar answer is to obtain a patent immediately for your brilliant brain child.

A patent isrepparttar 103335 right to an invention that prevents others from inventing, copying, importing or selling your idea. A patent can be obtained throughrepparttar 103336 United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The idea must be new and non-obvious in order to obtainrepparttar 103337 patent. EFS stands for electronic filing system and isrepparttar 103338 USPTO’s website for online patent application. The process is fairly simple andrepparttar 103339 website walks you through each step ofrepparttar 103340 form. Some people choose to hire an attorney to help withrepparttar 103341 paperwork involved in obtaining a patent, howeverrepparttar 103342 website is easily navigable and understandable for most people. Most patents, withrepparttar 103343 exception of plant patents, can be obtained here.

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