Writing a catchy CV

Written by Lieutenant Colonel Anil Kumar Nigam

Writing a Catchy CV

What is a CV for? A CV or resume is quite simply an advertisement to sell yourself to an employer. The purpose of your CV is to make you attractive, interesting, worth considering torepparttar company and so is helps you to get short-listed for interview orrepparttar 143864 written test.

An employer may have several hundred enquiries about a single job; he or she will only choose a few people who appear suitable for interview. Therefore, your CV must be as good as you can make it.

Your CV should be designed to differentiate you from rest ofrepparttar 143865 crowd: For that it should have following characteristics: - ·Be both informative and persuasive ·Highlight your marketable skills; abilities and work experience which are most useful to an employer and which matchrepparttar 143866 job requirements. ·Outline all relevant information about your education and work experience, which are most useful torepparttar 143867 job or, type of job you have targeted. ·Identifyrepparttar 143868 selling points that set you aside from other candidates. ·Communicate your most relevant qualifications and achievements to potential employers. ·Present your positive aspects in a concise and well-structured document.

Stick torepparttar 143869 Basic Rules ·The term "Bio-data" is out of fashion. Curriculum Vitae (CV) is more suitable to be used and leaves a better impact onrepparttar 143870 person reading it.

·Before writing your CV sit down and think as to what information you want to highlight.

·Include your achievements, your hobbies and interests, academic qualifications, details of your work experience (if any) and your job objectives. Don't write a final CV without including all these.

·Begin your CV with a section on personal particulars. Exclude family background. Write your date of birth and not your age by this you do not have to change your CV each time you send an application.

·Your CV must be easy to read, short and attractive and must distinguish you from others.

There are two communication principles to remember:

3 Important Moving Insurance Tips

Written by Ispas Marin

Because ofrepparttar many problems that can occur when you hire a moving company to transport your goods,repparttar 143787 moving companies are required some basic insurance of your goods. Even with this basic insurance, purchasing additional coverage might be needed.There are two common forms of additional insurance: replace value coverage and basic liability which meansrepparttar 143788 actual cash value orrepparttar 143789 declared value protection.

First Tip : As a percent,repparttar 143790 chance to fill a claim after a move is one in three, keep that in mind even if it's for small amounts. The standard for basic liability insurance is about $.30 to $.60 per pound per item so if an item weights 50 poundsrepparttar 143791 mover's liability is $30 on that item.If you choose declared value protection you can decide your items value andrepparttar 143792 mover is liable for that value. Inrepparttar 143793 case your items are stolen, you andrepparttar 143794 moving company will rely onrepparttar 143795 sum value that you stated inrepparttar 143796 moving agreement. If you choose replacement value coveragerepparttar 143797 mover is liable if your item is stolen or it breaks, and that's that. As an example, if your item is stolen, with replacement value coverage you receive a brand new one, with actual cash value coverage you getrepparttar 143798 cash value of your 5 year old item.

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