Writing To Overpower Your Competition

Written by Karon Thackston

by Karon Thackston © 2005 http://www.learn-copywriting.com

"We don't have any competition. We're a truly a one-of-a-kind company." I've heard that line from clients for years. I wish it were true, but it's simply not. In fact, it wouldn’t matter if you held a monopoly on your particular product or service; you'd still have competition. How? Because your competition doesn't come from a singular source.

There may be no other businesses that sellrepparttar product or service you sell, but you still have competition. Once that's understood you have a greater advantage when it comes to copywriting. You can recognizerepparttar 108001 other options your customers have before them and can position yourself asrepparttar 108002 only logical choice.

Know Who Your Competition Is

Competition comes from a variety of sources. Yes, there are those who sellrepparttar 108003 same things you sell, but there competition comes in other forms, too.

The Same But Different

Charitable organizations are a good example of "same but different." Your group may berepparttar 108004 only one raising funds to saverepparttar 108005 purple spotted toad of northern Antarctica but that doesn't mean you'll receive a flood of contributions from everyone you call. Why? Because there are a million and a half other charitable organizations out there all vying forrepparttar 108006 same money fromrepparttar 108007 same people.

None of these other groups is trying to raise funds to saverepparttar 108008 purple spotted toad of northern Antarctica, but they are trying to get individuals to donate to their causes. That makes them all your competition.

How do you get around this problem? Assuming your traffic generating efforts or your mailing list is highly targeted, you'll want to make a strong case for this little toad. In your copy, letrepparttar 108009 readers know whyrepparttar 108010 purple spotted toad is important torepparttar 108011 environment (he'srepparttar 108012 only toad in existence that carries antibodies that can cure cancer). Tell them whyrepparttar 108013 world would be a much sadder place without our bouncing little friend. (In addition to beingrepparttar 108014 only purple toad inrepparttar 108015 world, this guy isrepparttar 108016 only foodrepparttar 108017 frosty wilder beast will eat so he's vital torepparttar 108018 food chain).

Just like with any other type of copywriting, listrepparttar 108019 benefits ofrepparttar 108020 purple spotted toad. Why is he important to nature, how willrepparttar 108021 ecology suffer with his demise and what will happen torepparttar 108022 rest of Antarctica if he becomes extinct? All of these are vital to convincing your audience that they should favor you with their contributions instead of some other organization.

Everyone Inrepparttar 108023 Search Results

Go to your favorite search engine and type in "copywriting course" (withoutrepparttar 108024 quotes). What do you see? There are a lot of options listed onrepparttar 108025 search results page. Are all these productsrepparttar 108026 same? By all means no!

Power Writing 101: Tips and Tricks to Get You Taken Seriously!

Written by Dina Giolitto, Wordfeeder.com

In my ten years as an advertiser, I’ve encountered plenty of folks with a flair for writing. They were born having some idea of where to putrepparttar words withinrepparttar 105154 sentence, andrepparttar 105155 sentences withinrepparttar 105156 paragraph. They usually know what words to use – when to say ‘bloom’ instead of ‘grow,’ or ‘confused’ instead of ‘befuddled.’

But having a flair doesn’t make them an expert inrepparttar 105157 field.

I’m an expert ad copywriter. But I can’t write a journalistic piece to save my life. I have no experience in this area, and it’s just not my bag. So I happily leave this task torepparttar 105158 reporters. Likewise, a retailer, marketer or salesperson should leaverepparttar 105159 writing torepparttar 105160 writer. Yet they seldom do.

A copywriter is forever trying to explain why he inserted a word where he did, or why he chose one expression over another. Frequently, a client or employer takes a writer’s carefully constructed piece and turns it into a wordgarbage wasteland. An atrocity... of verbosity!

If you’re such an offender, shame on you! Let your writer dorepparttar 105161 job he or she was hired for: to make you look good. But if you insist on meddling withrepparttar 105162 marketing, critiquingrepparttar 105163 catalog and butcheringrepparttar 105164 brochure, you may as well learn how to do it right. Masterrepparttar 105165 secret to writing that packs a punch and makes people view you as a credible source. Learnrepparttar 105166 tricks ofrepparttar 105167 trade that will get you taken seriously!

Use concrete examples to prove your point. Repeating an idea in different words leaves your writing flat and empty. "We’re great! We’re so awesome! You won’t believe how cool we are!" Why are you cool? Did you help a billion people save money last year? Did you rescue an endangered species from extinction? If you can’t back your claim with solid evidence, no one will believe what you say. Be specific! “I’m thinking of you” might win brownie points, but “I’m thinking of you in that little black dress you wore last weekend”—now that’ll actually get you somewhere!

Resistrepparttar 105168 temptation to cheer for yourself. You’re good, and you know it. But if you must crow about it while doing your peacock strut, tell it to your mother because no one else cares. The world’s consumers aren’t interested in what you can do. They’re interested in what you can do for them.

Don’t pepper your writing with bad puns and kitschy wordplay. This is a weakness of mine. Puns come to me atrepparttar 105169 strangest times... inrepparttar 105170 shower, while I’m driving, as I’m trying to fall asleep. I want to paintrepparttar 105171 world with my puns, but alas, this is not appropriate! No one wants to click on their financial advisor’s website and see him raving to everyone inrepparttar 105172 free world that he’s “so money, baby!” Puns are fun, butrepparttar 105173 true meaning of a well-turned phrase is one that’s used atrepparttar 105174 right time and inrepparttar 105175 right context.

Userepparttar 105176 active voice. I forgot about this for a long time, and my writing suffered for it. The active voice lends a certain dynamic quality to your writing. “The teacher wroterepparttar 105177 words onrepparttar 105178 blackboard” employsrepparttar 105179 active voice. “The words onrepparttar 105180 blackboard were written byrepparttar 105181 teacher” illustratesrepparttar 105182 passive voice. Don’t be passive! Avoid any form ofrepparttar 105183 verb to be, such as ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’. Practice this by literally using your own voice. Read your writing aloud, doing your best “announcer” impression. If as you read, you find yourself lapsing into a sing-songy elementary-school kid reading his essay out loud, you probably failedrepparttar 105184 assignment.

Get rid ofrepparttar 105185 “asides” in parentheses. They might look cute in an email to a girlfriend, but ‘”asides” that stray fromrepparttar 105186 main point of an informative paragraph make you look like a scatterbrain. Interrupting a thought with an unrelated remark is distracting torepparttar 105187 reader. It’s a comedic tactic that plays out well in informal writing, but just doesn’t fly inrepparttar 105188 real world.

Avoidrepparttar 105189 following: double negatives, redundancy, dangling participles.

The double negative: “It’s not impossible.” Why not just say, “It’s possible.” A negative plus a negative really does make a positive, even in writing!

Redundancy: “We’re also offering free gifts to our members too.” ‘Also’ and ‘too’ may be at opposite ends ofrepparttar 105190 sentence, but they’re servingrepparttar 105191 same exact purpose and that means one has to go. Better: "We're also offering free gifts to our members."

Dangling participle: Bewarerepparttar 105192 dangler in this sentence! “Shivering with cold, Anne’s hat barely covered her ears.” Here, ‘Shivering with cold’ should modify Anne because she’srepparttar 105193 one who is shivering. The way this reads now, Anne’s hat isrepparttar 105194 one with goosebumps. Acceptable: "Anne’s hat barely covered her ears, and she shivered with cold."

Employ parallelism. Parallelism helps reinforce a point with repeated sentence structure. Bulletpoints best illustrate parallelism. An example:

The product effectively:

- relieves headaches

- eases tension

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