Writing Letters to God

Written by Sam Stevens

Many of you come to this site because you are a Seeker. You are looking for something -- answers to a problem, a relationship, a better career, more money, and/orrepparttar return of a lover. Some of you are trying to strengthen your connection to your higher self or to God. Others just need to talk, get an outlet for you feelings or feel that someone else understands you. Many of you feel lost or abandoned by God, or feel that your faith inrepparttar 130025 future has been shaken because someone has been cruel to you. You are all looking for solutions or answers to a question of some kind. The important thing is to realize thatrepparttar 130026 answer to any question you may have is actually within you. Guidance comes and answers are revealed when you learn how to connect to your higher self, and one ofrepparttar 130027 easiest ways for you to do this is to keep a journal. Below I have developed a little journal keeping program that will help you find guidance but also strengthen your faith in yourself and in your ability to handlerepparttar 130028 future. First of all buy yourself a notebook that you really like and one with a hard enough cover that you can write sitting in bed. This journal is going to always be at your bedside because you are going to write in it every day for at least ten minutes, once inrepparttar 130029 morning and once at night. This isrepparttar 130030 book in which you are going to have your own personal conversations with God. The first thing you need to do, when you wake up inrepparttar 130031 morning, is open this journal, and then for ten minutes, just write every thing that comes to mind. This is not a "to do" list although many of you will find yourself writing all kinds of things. I address my journal directly to God. I start each chapter with "Dear God, Ascended Masters,repparttar 130032 Angels andrepparttar 130033 Good Fairies". Then I start writing exactly what is on mind-- example "Dear God, today I really need help with my car because it broke down and I don't know how I am going to pay forrepparttar 130034 new brakes, but please help me findrepparttar 130035 source of money for this and also, my friend Sally has not called me for a couple of days, could you please help me with this one and reveal to me what is going on and this morning I really woke up hating Frank and I haterepparttar 130036 way I feel when I feel this jealous, can you please help me with that"... and so on and so on. Do not worry about spelling and so forth, just let it flow. When you are doing this you are doing two things. You are first of all releasing allrepparttar 130037 resentments and anxiety that you are holding so that may be blocking you from efficiently continuing on with your day (so you are really clearing your aura and energy field so you can attract good things). You are also givingrepparttar 130038 problems up to a higher source and asking that power to provide you with a solution. When you are done doing this, then you list five things in your life that you are truly grateful for and thank God for them on paper. It does not matter if these things you are grateful for are big or small "Thank you for great sandwich I had at lunch today. Thank you forrepparttar 130039 insurance cheque. Thank you for my beautiful pet. Thank you forrepparttar 130040 smile fromrepparttar 130041 bank teller yesterday."

Prosperity Practices

Written by Sam Stevens

By popular request, I thought I would put together this little list of simple things you can do to increase cash flow ...sometimes,repparttar most absurd and smallest practices seem to work better than a ritual that you have to make into a big dramatic production. I have tried these ones and they have at one time or another worked for me... •Every time you see a coin onrepparttar 130024 floor you are to stomp on it and go 'Money onrepparttar 130025 floor, money onrepparttar 130026 door!' Then pick it up and put it in your wallet. •Always keep a bowl of small change, (foreign or odd coins are best) in a bowl by your front door. Antique or old keys also bring money too. •Buy a jade plant. This is that small dwarf like plant withrepparttar 130027 big fleshy leaves. Put it byrepparttar 130028 front door, or inrepparttar 130029 northeast corner of your home... it also is helpful inrepparttar 130030 office. Keeprepparttar 130031 leaves clean and free from dust. •Write a cheque to yourself forrepparttar 130032 total amount of money you need andrepparttar 130033 date you need it by ...It helps if you use gold pen and makerepparttar 130034 cheque look as official as possible. It is also good to anointrepparttar 130035 cheque with Money Drawing Oil, which can be bought commercially, or if you don't have that -- bergamot, vetivert, cinnamon or orange oil. Then foldrepparttar 130036 check eight times and put it in a dark place. (This one once worked for me. I needed to make $120.0000 in one year. I made $80,000 and someone lent me another $20.000. Sorepparttar 130037 Universe let me have one hundred thousand of it ...I figure my lack of faith accounted forrepparttar 130038 shortfall.) This is an especially good one to do at New Year's, on special holidays or your birthday. •Make a money tree. This is done usually at Christmas ... but you could do it any time ofrepparttar 130039 year. You find an old tree branch, which looks relatively likerepparttar 130040 body of a small tree and you actually attach money to it with clothespins. The idea is that whatever you attach is worth ten times as much. For instance if you attach a five dollar bill, it actually represents five hundred dollars. Don't have any money? You can use monopoly money or even attach green slips of paper withrepparttar 130041 amounts written on it. I know it sounds nuts, but I have had surprising results with this one. •Short on cash? A quick fix is to buy a head of iceberg lettuce, sprinkle it with olive oil and salt, and eatrepparttar 130042 whole thing raw. Each time you take a mouthful, you think about allrepparttar 130043 green you need coming to you. All three ingredients represent security, money and stability.

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