Writing Business Letters That Get The Job Done

Written by Shaun Fawcett

Despiterepparttar widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are stillrepparttar 129632 main way thatrepparttar 129633 majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses.

This is especially true when businesses want to formalize an agreement or an understanding. So far, emails are great for all ofrepparttar 129634 preparatory work, but a formal business letter is still most often needed to "sealrepparttar 129635 deal".

There are two basic categories of business letters: business to business, and business to customer.


Most business to business letters are written to confirm things that have already been discussed among officials in meetings, onrepparttar 129636 telephone, or via e-mail.

Can you imaginerepparttar 129637 letters that would have to go back and forth to cover all ofrepparttar 129638 questions and possibilities that can be covered in a one-hour meeting, a half-hour phone call, or a few quick e-mails?

The main purpose of a typical business letter is to formalizerepparttar 129639 details that were arrived at in those discussions, and to provide any additional information that was agreed upon.

Overrepparttar 129640 years, certain general standards have evolved inrepparttar 129641 business world thatrepparttar 129642 vast majority of businesses use in drafting their business to business correspondence.


There are many different types of business to customer letters. They include: sales and marketing letters, information letters, order acknowledgement letters, order status letters, collection letters, among others.

As with business to business letters, overrepparttar 129643 years certain general standards have evolved inrepparttar 129644 business world thatrepparttar 129645 vast majority of businesses use in drafting letters to existing and potential customers.

Of course, going inrepparttar 129646 other direction are customer to business letters. These include: order letters, order status inquiry letters, complaint letters, and others.

Since these are customer-generated letters, there is no particular expectation that they follow any particular letter-writing standard. Typically, they are handled just like any other piece of personal correspondence.


Here are a few tips I have picked up while writing literally hundreds of business letters overrepparttar 129647 past 20+ years. This is a slightly modified version ofrepparttar 129648 tips included in my eBook, "Instant Home Writing Kit".


Written by Peter Sinclair

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