You've identified
benefits you offer your customers, but how do you turn a list of benefits into engaging web copy which converts visitors into customers?Recently I wrote an article explaining how to identify
benefits you offer your customers ( That article challenged business owners and marketing managers to think in terms of benefits rather than features when writing their web copy.
article didn’t discuss was how to actually write
web copy once they had identified their benefits. That’s what this article is about. (It even gives you a couple of templates you can use to make your job a whole lot easier!)
As a website copywriter, many of
projects I undertake are completely new websites. The client has some general ideas about what they’d like to convey, but they need someone who can fine-tune their message, and create web copy (and a web structure) which engages their readers. As a result, over
years I’ve developed a process for doing this effectively. There are four main steps:
1) Identify benefits
2) Identify how you deliver these benefits
3) Prioritise your benefits
4) Write
Although this article touches on step 1, it’s mostly about steps 2, 3, and 4.
Branding aside, most websites are about selling. Customers don’t want to know what you can do; they want to know what you can do for THEM. That means
first question you should ask is, “What benefits do I offer my customers?” This is usually
first step toward identifying
key message to be conveyed.
That’s not to say that your website shouldn’t describe your products and services. You just need to make sure it describes them in terms of benefits to your customer.
But benefits identification is outside
scope of this article. If you’d like to find out more about how to engage your customer with benefits, go to
Of course, you can’t just claim to deliver benefits and stop at that. You need to support that claim. On your website, you’re going to need to convince your audience that you actually do deliver these benefits. Anyone can say they deliver benefits, but few can say it persuasively.
From step 1 you’ll have a list of benefits. Now you need to think about how you deliver each benefit in that list. This is where you start talking about features – price, product highlights, distribution channel, competitor weaknesses, external factors, USPs, etc. It’s helpful if you draw up a table with one column for benefits and one for
features which deliver those benefits. (Click to download an example Benefits-Features table – 20KB.)
You’ll probably find this process much easier than identifying benefits. In fact, you’ve probably got most of this information written down already… somewhere. If not, chances are you uncovered a good portion of it when you were brainstorming for benefits.
TIP: If you’re having trouble identifying supporting features, before filling out
table, try listing everything you can think of which relates to what you do and how you do it. Don’t worry about
order. Just braindump onto a piece of paper, a whiteboard, a Word document, anywhere… Don’t leave anything out, even if it seems unimportant. (You’d be surprised how important even
most insignificant details can become once you start assigning them to benefits.) If you start getting lost, think back to
question you’re trying to answer: How do you deliver your list of benefits to your customer? Once you’ve done your braindump, read through it and decide which specific benefit each feature delivers.
Now that you’ve identified all
things you COULD say, it’s time to figure out what you SHOULD say and where you should say it. This is where your benefits-features table comes into play. Read through your list of benefits and prioritise them according to how compelling they will be to your reader.
The reason for this? Priority determines prominence. The most compelling benefits will need to be prominent on your site.