Write and be a good family member

Written by Nicole Murphy

For every writer, there comesrepparttar ultimate dilemma: what comes first, your seven year old son’s soccer practice orrepparttar 129242 demise of your heroine, wrapped in her father’s arms?

It’s easy to understand howrepparttar 129243 writer/family clash occurs. Writing is a very solitary profession which demands a great deal of time. Being in a family is a very social profession which demands a great deal of time. But understanding it doesn’t solve it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could combinerepparttar 129244 two? Well, I think you can. You can do things that will improve your writing and provide you with quality time with your family. Try these ideas on for size:

1). Get your family to read outrepparttar 129245 book for you. This will really help your editing, because nothing brings out awkward sentences and bad dialogue likerepparttar 129246 human voice. “Aw, Mum, no one would say that in real life. They’d say, ‘Sod off!’” “Start with, ‘You’ll never catch me, Mr Slocum. Apart from your absolute inability to find your own big toe, you don’t haverepparttar 129247 skills and you don’t haverepparttar 129248 talent.’"

2). Get your family to act out that scene that you just can’t get right. Send them out intorepparttar 129249 backyard, armed with plastic swords and cardboard boxes for hours and see just what will happen in your battle scene. What willrepparttar 129250 addition of rain to dorepparttar 129251 scenario, for example? And you’ll probably get to do a little extra research in healing.

Tips For Writing Articles Online

Written by BB Lee

Tips For Writing Articles Online... by BB Lee (C)2003

I've written and published over 30 articles in SmallBizBits and other publications online. I've also published family parenting articles, several romance articles, and a dozen travel articles in print media. When I first approached repparttar Internet market I was unsure ifrepparttar 129240 same article format was acceptable onrepparttar 129241 Internet.

So, I certainly understand when new article writer's say they don't know how to approachrepparttar 129242 Internet crowd with their material. Or exactly how to structure their articles properly.

Here's a few important things to consider:

First you must knowrepparttar 129243 popular article types.

-The List Article. -The How To Article. -The Information Article. -Combination Of All The Above.

The List Article is written to answer a specific problem. One problem might be what software is available to fight spammers(email sent by unscrupulous marketers). You would start with your lead statement, background, and then list repparttar 129244 top ten software programs available, with a brief description and link torepparttar 129245 web site. Then, stop after repparttar 129246 end ofrepparttar 129247 list or wrap it up with a thoughtful quote or whatever is appropriate.

The How To Article is written to showrepparttar 129248 reader how to handle a specific problem. Let's use spam (unsolicited e-mail) as our very popular topic. In this type of article you would start with a brief introduction, background sentences and list specific instructions on how to fight spam. For instance detailed instructions on setting up spam filters in your email program. Then wrap your article up with a quote or other appropriate conclusion.

The Information Article is written to informrepparttar 129249 reader on repparttar 129250 latest up-to-date information on a specified subject. Another hot topic laws passed to help online business owners fight spammers. You would begin with an interesting lead sentence. The necessary background. A discussion of repparttar 129251 recent changes and provide relevant quotes and links to specific laws on spam. Finally, wraprepparttar 129252 article up with an appropriate conclusion.

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