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Write Your Way To New Possibilities
By Claudette Rowley Copyright 2003
What makes writing such a powerful tool for reflection and discovery of new possibilities?
* Writing makes invisible visible. At any one time, you have myriad thoughts, ideas and insights lodged in your mind, waiting to be released. Writing is one way to let your thoughts flow, to take you wherever you need to go.
* Writing assists you in putting aside your internal censor. It is important for you put aside any self-judgment when you begin to write. Refrain from judging how "well" you're writing or ideas that show up on paper. Instead write to think, write for fun of it, write to relieve confusion. Sometimes thinking mind can't access what writing mind can.
* Writing is a process of reflective thinking or self-observation. It puts you in touch with emotions or thoughts you might not be aware of. Plunging into a problem on paper, you may suddenly see a solution clearly.
* Writing is a form of creativity, and creativity is one of best antidotes to mental or emotional confusion and burn-out. When you feel like you've thought a problem to death, stop thinking. Turn to creativity and engage right side of your brain. And allow answers to come to you.
Try this exercise:
Intuitive Writing
Find a quiet place and a 15-20 minute block of time. Sit down with a sheet of paper and a favorite pen or pencil. Think of an important question you'd like answer to. The question can be about anything - sky is limit.
Clear your mind of everything but question itself. Write out your question on paper. And let your hand - NOT your head - begin to form an answer. This is an exercise in intuitively connecting with yourself. You will begin to see that "thinking" of an answer is not always to most effective way to gather information.
Suspend your judgment about your answer. Let yourself go! Let your creativity and intuitive sense answer question for you.