Write Your Own How-To Book By Spring

Written by Jeff Smith

Write Your Own How-To Book Before Spring!

What can you do before March 21st (the first day of spring) to make 2004 your turnaround year?

Winrepparttar lottery?

Cash in big in Las Vegas?

Get promoted torepparttar 129143 head of your company?

OK - so these aren't very realistic accomplishments - certainly not worth banking your future on are they?

You already know that creating your own product is one real, honest-to-goodness way people do completely change their lifestyles forrepparttar 129144 better.

What you may NOT know is that YOU can create your own high-profit How-To Book - and have it paying you by March 21st of this year (only 3 months away!)

In fact, it happened to me last year. After 15-years of climbingrepparttar 129145 corporate ladder, health problems, frustration and unhappiness - one single book changed my entire life....


Here'srepparttar 129146 simple formula to follow that can literally change your life by March 21st of this year.

Step 1: You Can Do It - Here's Proof

There are literally thousands of recent incredible self-publishing stories, where people tapped into a niche market, created their own high-demand "How-To" products and changed their lives forever!

Takerepparttar 129147 example of Joe Vitale who started by goingrepparttar 129148 traditional publishing route, only to shocked into self- publishing byrepparttar 129149 lack of profits from even a best-selling published book.

He went on to self-publish The Seven Lost Secrets of Success and Spiritual Marketing - which went to #1 on Amazon selling over 5,000 copies in just 1 day.

Or Pati Palmer and Susan Pletsch Foster of Palmer/Pletsch publishing (http://www.palmerpletsch.com/) wrote a couple of their own books about sewing inrepparttar 129150 1970's selling over 900,000 copies of one, and well over 250,000 of many others.

You should have no doubt you can do it - you control how soon success will be achieved.

Step 2: Niche Markets, Hot Opportunities

Here are just 10 niche markets that have been tapped for incredible self-publishing profits with information products...

- Photography (Photography Manuals) - Horse lovers (Horse Training Videos) - Job Seekers (Finding Perfect Career) - Arthritis Sufferers (Curing Arthritis) - Entrepreneurs (How To Start Own Cleaning Business) - Home Computer Users (Securing Your Computer) - Health and Wellness (Diets, Cookbooks, Bodybuilding, etc..) - Dog Owners (Secrets of Professional Dog Trainer) - Home Buyers (Mortgage Loan Tips, Real Estate Tips, Home Inspection Tips, etc...) - Men (101 Stories of Men Popping The Question)

There are literally THOUSANDS more niche markets - each with thousands of potential products -- all of this presents you with an INCREDIBLE opportunity to share inrepparttar 129151 Billions spent on information every year.

There are many ways to find hot selling niche markets - here's just a few areas to tap...

1. Your hobbies or interests 2. Your experiences, challenges in life 3. Trends 4. Travel 5. Experts around you...

You'll find over 40 detailed techniques on finding niche markets and turning them into high-profit infoproducts right here:


MOST important is that you a) pick a niche market to target and b) you understand their high-demand wants and needs so you can put your information in front of a demand tornado.

Everyone Has At Least One Good Book in Them

Written by Jim Green

There is an age-old adage that is as true today as when it was first mooted.

"Everyone has at least one good book in them"

The problem is that most people never get around to writing it because they hamper progress by cluttering their minds with blocks. Could you produce a niche-carving bestseller in your spare time? With professional guidance you could. I never suspected I would but I have managed to produce several overrepparttar years on a part time basis, and so too could you if you set about matters with conviction.


You have, you know, and you've been doing it all of your life.

When you were sitting exams at school, you were engaging inrepparttar 129141 creative writing process, addressing questions and providing answers with well reasoned argument. When you sit down to compose a letter, produce a thesis or develop a business proposal, you are inrepparttar 129142 creative mode. All of these exercises have something common: they are works of non-fiction, and so it follows thatrepparttar 129143 creation of a full-length book in that genre is any and all of these activities writ large.

You are adept at creative writing but so far you have only skimmedrepparttar 129144 surface of your latent ability.


Perhaps onrepparttar 129145 other hand you have been activating your innate skills for years and all you have to show for it is a never-ending stream of rejection slips. Perhaps too you have been focusing your energies on fiction,repparttar 129146 most notoriously difficult of genres to break into as a writer aspiring to achieverepparttar 129147 recognition that leads to publication. Could it be you have now decided thatrepparttar 129148 only way you'll ever see your work in print is to become a self-publisher?

You wouldn't berepparttar 129149 first. These famous masters of fiction were all obliged to takerepparttar 129150 route of shelling out hard cash to have their debut novels printed.

Alexandre Dumas, D.H. Lawrence, Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar Rice Burroughs, George Bernard Shaw, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, John Grisham, Mark Twain, Mary Baker Eddy, Rudyard Kipling, Stephen Crane, Upton Sinclair, Virginia Woolf, Walt Whitman, William Blake, Zane Grey

John Grisham, incidentally, sold copies of his first novel A Time to Kill out ofrepparttar 129151 boot of a car which atrepparttar 129152 outset was his sole 'vehicle' for distribution...

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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