World Class Heart

Written by Tony Papajohn

Have you ever heard of Eric Moussambani?

The 21-year-old swimmer represented Equatorial Guinea inrepparttar Sydney Olympics and competed inrepparttar 123031 100-meter freestyle.

He didn’t win a medal, but he does have heart.

Moussambani made it torepparttar 123032 Olympics only because of a special program for developing countries.

He competed inrepparttar 123033 last preliminary heat and wasrepparttar 123034 only swimmer inrepparttar 123035 pool. Two other swimmers were disqualified for false starts.

For most Olympic swimmers, this would hardly be a big deal. However, Moussambani had never seen, much less swam in, an Olympic-sized pool.

All Equatorial Guinea could offer him was a small hotel pool that he could use only when guests were not in it.

On top of this, Moussambani had been swimming for only 9 months, had never even swum 100 meters, wore an outdated pair of trunks, and knew little more thanrepparttar 123036 rudiments of swimming.


Written by Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.


By Pauline Wallin, Ph.D Author of "Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide for Transforming Self-defeating Behavior"

Word count: 757 Copyright Pauline Wallin, Ph.D. 2004. All rights reserved

Which ofrepparttar following "explanations" have you heard (or used!) inrepparttar 123030 past few weeks?

* I need to reward myself for being so good.

* The boss hates me.

* It's been too hot (too cold, too rainy) to exercise

* Of course I have problems. I'm a middle child.

* It wasrepparttar 123031 alcohol talking.

It's pretty obvious thatrepparttar 123032 above "explanations" are basically excuses for avoiding responsibility. Your “inner brat” uses such excuses to justify overeating, underachievement and saying hurtful things.

Next look atrepparttar 123033 following. They almost seem like plausible explanations:

* Sorry I'm late again. There was a lot of traffic.

* I haven't had a chance to call her back. It's been crazy around here.

* I never went to college because my parents didn't encourage me.

* I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

* I can't seem to get things done because of my ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

But these, too, are still excuses, not explanations. If you examinerepparttar 123034 above statements more closely, you will find that they are not entirely explanatory, and are easily challenged. For example:

* Being chronically late is not caused by traffic; it's caused by not leaving enough time for travel.

* If a phone call is important enough, a person will almost always findrepparttar 123035 time.

* Lack of parental encouragement may have some influence on one's life, but eventually we all have choices to make about investing our time and energy.

* Most ofrepparttar 123036 time people avoid confrontation not to protect someone else's feelings, but to protect their own.

* People with ADHD need to work harder to stay focused but this does not mean they cannot complete their tasks.

A true explanation shows a cause-and-effect relationship: Situation X caused Consequence Y. Excuses masquerade as explanations, but are really distortions ofrepparttar 123037 truth. Excuses include following elements:

1. They usually blame other people or external circumstances -- e.g., "I hit him because he made me mad," or "You're too sensitive," or "It was just my bad luck."

2. When they blame oneself, they usually invoke a personal trait or limitation -- e.g., "I'm not good at keeping track of bills," or "You KNOW I never remember details," or "I have no self-discipline."

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