Workout Shoes - Shoes for Strength Training

Written by Marc David

I've always worked out in just a plain pair of tennis shoes. Rarely to I see or even think that using special shoes would make any difference at all. However, I began to think of better shoe support when I started doing heavy squats. This prompted me to do a little research in specific type shoes for working out that would give me better ankle support and put my feet in a more level position for squats and leg presses.

After some Googling around, I came acrossrepparttar Otomix brand of shoes. There's virtually nothing onrepparttar 112842 net about workout shoes. There's even less in bodybuilding forums aboutrepparttar 112843 subject. Yet soccer players have special shoes, and so do most other athletes. Tennis shoes are great for running but they didn't seem to be wonderful when it came to squatting and doing other heavy leg exercises.

These shoes ( a few versions are available) sell for around $95 on average depending onrepparttar 112844 website you find, andrepparttar 112845 sales being offered. With some clever searching, you can find a great price. I ordered my Otomix Ultimate Trainers online and was pleased to see many e-mail and tracking notifications about my order. According to Otomix, these workout shoes were specifically for:

Ultimate Trainer has been designed specifically for weight training and incorporatesrepparttar 112846 new High Performance Bodybuilding system. The HPB system provides a combination of comfort and support utilizing a special wrap around strap adjusted by our innovative lacing system. This shoe is a must forrepparttar 112847 serious bodybuilder.

Note: Their shoes run a half size small compared to your true shoe size. They suggest that you order a half size larger.

Quickly I openedrepparttar 112848 box and found everything intact and in brand new condition. I was ready for my leg workout.

Learn to Use The Power of Your Mind to Accelerate Your Weight Loss and Fitness Results

Written by Cindy Brotherston, CFT

You might wonder what mind power has to do with fitness, health and weight loss, after all, isn't it all about what you eat and how much you exercise?

Eating and exercise are certainly two thirds ofrepparttar equation, butrepparttar 112841 remaining component is in your head, literally!

Motivation, desire, expectation and visualization are key concepts that, when understood and utilized, can be powerful ammunition that will accelerate your results.

Motivation to exercise and lose weight is probably what brought you to this page inrepparttar 112842 first place. However, maintaining or renewing your motivation to exercise can be a fleeting thing. It's all too easy to become discouraged. There are a few tips on this subject in our article on motivation to exercise. Now I want to describe how mind power can drastically affectrepparttar 112843 speed and results of your fitness/weight loss program.

If you've never read Deepak Chopras' views and explanations ofrepparttar 112844 mind-body connection in such books as 'Quantum Healing' or 'The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire' you should really consider doing so. His explanations of mind power are very involved and insightful, much more so than I'll write here as he has written whole books onrepparttar 112845 concept. This is really powerful stuff!

Expectation and visualization are not often mentioned in fitness programs but they should be as mind power, orrepparttar 112846 influence ofrepparttar 112847 mind overrepparttar 112848 body is much stronger than most people realize.

When you focusrepparttar 112849 power of your mind onrepparttar 112850 goal you seek, you will begin to influencerepparttar 112851 events that will producerepparttar 112852 desired results.

Sounds a little like magic but this power of positive thinking has worked in documented cases involving advanced and 'incurable' cancer (as well as other diseases) to spontaneously causerepparttar 112853 body to heal itself when conventional medicine had failed.

Why not direct this power toward all of your goals?

I am going to give you some instructions on how to use this 'mind power', which everyone possesses but few take advantage of, to reach your fitness and weight loss goals.

* Draw a clear picture of your goals.

Your purpose (goal) in persuing a fitness plan should be written down. -eg- I will again be able to fit into a size 4 dress..(yeah right!, like I ever could!) or losing 15 lbs of fat or gainingrepparttar 112854 necessary strength or endurance to enter a competition. Your goals will be individual and they will be moving targets, that is when you achieve them (and you will) you set your sites on a new goal. The clear expectation that you will achieve your goals is a necessary part of 'mind power' so repeat it out loud every day.

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