Working at Home is a MYTH!

Written by Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy

Tell that to me and my wife and we'll laugh at you. We've been working at home forrepparttar past nine years now.

So what, exactly, does that mean to you? Well, it should alert you torepparttar 116426 fact that there are people out there who are doing it every day. Normal people like you and me.

It's a common myth that you need to be a superstar or rocket scientist to work at home. I'd venture a guess to say thatrepparttar 116427 majority ofrepparttar 116428 people out there working at home are neither. In fact, they are your normal, average, everyday type of people.

You see, what matters most is not that you are super intelligent. It's more important to develop a system and follow that system day in and day out. If you think that you can't create a system, you're welcome to follow onrepparttar 116429 footsteps of thousands who have gone before you.

Most importantly, however, isrepparttar 116430 need to perservere. No, I don't mean in that blind lemming fashion where you keep trudging forward until you fall offrepparttar 116431 cliff to your death. I mean perservere and adjust when necessary.

The Middle of Nowhere (Can you find it on a map?)

Written by David Leonhardt

Working from home on websites for international customers has certain occupational hazards if you live out inrepparttar middle of nowhere.

Allow me to explain. I pay for my family's daily rations of bread, water andrepparttar 116425 occasional snow flake (when in season) by promoting my clients' sites, mostly torepparttar 116426 search engines. My clients don't live just downrepparttar 116427 road from me. That's mostly because my clients are neither sheep nor cows, but also because they are comfortably settled in Australia, Britain, Florida,repparttar 116428 Midwest, California and other far-flung places.

Occasionally, one of them wants to know where in Canada my operations are located. It would sound most impressive to mumble something about a 32nd floor vista overlookingrepparttar 116429 Toronto harbor, then holdrepparttar 116430 phone outrepparttar 116431 window to capturerepparttar 116432 sound of honking horns and shouts of foul language below.

However, a more honest answer would be that I am overlooking snow, trees, and snow...and inrepparttar 116433 distance I can seerepparttar 116434 barn whererepparttar 116435 sheep choir practices on summer afternoons.

I suppose I could fake it. The problem is that they don't sell CDs full of honking and swearing. And relaxation music probably won't impress many clients.

So I just tellrepparttar 116436 truth. I live inrepparttar 116437 middle of nowhere.

But where exactly isrepparttar 116438 middle of nowhere? About a mile torepparttar 116439 east is Dunbar, a fourteen-home hamlet that boasts two churches, a community hall, a play park, a lube service for farm equipment, andrepparttar 116440 tulip lady, whose yard is somewhat messy but looks like a festival every spring.

A mile torepparttar 116441 west is Elma, a hamlet that boasts a dozen houses and a truck.

We live in a nameless hamlet half-way between, but we do overlookrepparttar 116442 Elma Public School, which must have immigrated during a slowdown inrepparttar 116443 Elma economy (the truck driver went on vacation!).

Think I'm making this up because this is a humor column and I'm supposed to stretchrepparttar 116444 truth to make it sound funny? Not this time. But wait – reality gets even funnier.

If you send me a letter, do not address it to "middle of nowhere" or "nameless hamlet". The post office andrepparttar 116445 phone company both say I live in Chesterville. But there are a few complications.

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