Working With the Registry

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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Working Withrepparttar 107550 Registry

By Stephen Bucaro

The Registry isrepparttar 107551 central database for everything about your computer. It stores configuration information aboutrepparttar 107552 operating system, hardware, software, and types of files onrepparttar 107553 computer.

The registry database consists of "keys" and "values". A key is a "place" to store a value. A key may store many values, or it may have subkeys, each which store values. The Windows 2000 registry has five top level keys as listed below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHardware configurations HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGOperating system settings HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTFiles types and software objects HKEY_USERSAll users configurations HKEY_CURRENT_USERCurrently logged in user configurations

The Registry is normally modified through Administrative or Control Panel utilities, but it is possible to editrepparttar 107554 Registry directly. Making an incorrect modification torepparttar 107555 Registry can cause your computer to fail to start, so it's wise to backuprepparttar 107556 Registry before making any changes.

To backuprepparttar 107557 registry, you can export it to an ASCII file withrepparttar 107558 .reg extension. You can exportrepparttar 107559 Whole Registry or just a branch ofrepparttar 107560 Registry. First select or create a folder where you would like to saverepparttar 107561 exported registry. To exportrepparttar 107562 Registry, openrepparttar 107563 Registry Editor program by selecting Start | Run and typing regedit inrepparttar 107564 Run dialog box.

Inrepparttar 107565 Registry Editor programs "Registry" menu, select "Export Registry File..." In The "Export Registry File" dialog box, navigate torepparttar 107566 folder where you would like to saverepparttar 107567 exported registry. Then enter a name forrepparttar 107568 exported registry file (for example reg_date). Make surerepparttar 107569 "Save as type:" drop down list has "Registration Files" selected. This will automatically addrepparttar 107570 .reg extension torepparttar 107571 file. Inrepparttar 107572 "Export Range" section, setrepparttar 107573 "All" radio button. Then click onrepparttar 107574 "Save" button.

THE ABC's of Hacking

Written by dDawg

THE ABC's of Hacking Recovering from a system compromise.

What to do if you've been hacked.

If you find you've been hacked, simply deletingrepparttar Trojan horse or closingrepparttar 107547 open share is often not enough. Usingrepparttar 107548 initial security breach as an entry point, an attacker could easily have created other backdoors into your system or even modifiedrepparttar 107549 actual operating system itself. Because of this there is only one real way to secure a system which has been compromised and that is to reinstall it from a known-good source. This document describesrepparttar 107550 steps involved in recovering a typical windows system from a security compromise.

Step 1 : Isolaterepparttar 107551 affected machine. You should disconnect any compromised machine from bothrepparttar 107552 internet and any local network as soon as you realize it's been compromised. This helps limitrepparttar 107553 potential damage both to your own systems (remote attackers can no longer gain access) and to other systems onrepparttar 107554 internet (your machine cannot be used to attack others). It's important to physically disconnectrepparttar 107555 machine fromrepparttar 107556 network. That's right, unplugrepparttar 107557 network cable or power offrepparttar 107558 modem . Cable and DSL modems in particular often feature 'standby' buttons which claim to isolaterepparttar 107559 computer fromrepparttar 107560 network - in several cases this is simply not true, even withrepparttar 107561 modem in standby moderepparttar 107562 computer is still connected torepparttar 107563 network.

At this point you should consider what other actions you need to take. Do you for example store bank or credit card details on your PC? If you do, you should informrepparttar 107564 appropriate organizations that your accounts may be compromised at once. Have you used your credit card number online recently? Again, if you have you should informrepparttar 107565 credit card company that your number may have been compromised.

Any password or secure data stored or used on your PC should be assumed to have been compromised and changed at once. This includes ISP access passwords, FTP, email and website passwords as well as any other service you use which requires a secure login.

Step 2 : Find out how seriousrepparttar 107566 problem is. If you only have one computer you can safely skip this section, those with home networks should read on. A compromised machine on a network can lead torepparttar 107567 compromise of all other machines connected to that network. The risk of this happening depends on a number of things, including :

The length of timerepparttar 107568 security breach has gone undetected. Be honest with yourself and assumerepparttar 107569 worst case scenario is true when evaluating this. When did you first suspect something might be wrong? When did you last scan your network for viruses and Trojan horses? When did you last verify that your files hadn't been tampered with? The longer a compromised machine has been on a networkrepparttar 107570 greaterrepparttar 107571 chances of other machines onrepparttar 107572 network being affected are.

The type of network you run. If all machines on your network have unrestricted access to and fromrepparttar 107573 compromised machine,repparttar 107574 chances of a network-wide security breach increase dramatically. Onrepparttar 107575 other hand, if you restrict access between machines either by using desktop firewall products or by means of username/password authenticationrepparttar 107576 risk falls.

The presence (or absence) of anti-virus and desktop firewall software. If each machine runs properly maintained, independent anti-virus and desktop firewall softwarerepparttar 107577 risk of a network-wide security breach falls sharply.

Step 3 : Beginrepparttar 107578 cleanup. Locaterepparttar 107579 original software distribution disks for your operating system, any drivers you need for your system and any license information you'll need duringrepparttar 107580 installation. You will be performing a clean install onrepparttar 107581 affected machines, so you will loose any data stored on them unless you have backups. If you haven't got recent backups, followrepparttar 107582 procedure below :

Start uprepparttar 107583 compromised machine without connecting to any network. Copy any data files you wish to keep to floppy disks or cd-r media, if at all possible in non-executable form (ie. save word files as rich text since it can't contain macro viruses). DO NOT COPY PROGRAM FILES! Label this media clearly as potentially infected and store it safely. You are now ready to begin rebuilding your machine. To be absolutely sure that your system does not remain compromised, followrepparttar 107584 steps below before installing your operating system.

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