Working Smart: 4-Easy Ways to Get Fit, Faster!

Written by Laura Turner

Let’s face it, getting and staying in shape can be a costly investment. And, if you’re not careful, its greatest cost isrepparttar one commodity you could userepparttar 115567 most of: time (keeping monetary costs in check is another volume, entirely). Yet, even many seasoned exercisers often have difficulty changing their bodies with regular workouts. And worse, many thinkrepparttar 115568 more hours spent training heavily,repparttar 115569 betterrepparttar 115570 result. Not true! Often this break-neck pace leads only to fatigue, burnout, and injury.

What most people also may not realize, there are several, easy ways to redistribute your time and create ‘smarter’workouts. These common sense, turbo-chargers cost little or no money, will help change your body in a positive way, and all without giving up a lot of time.

Here, I’ve given you four simple strategies that can help you turbo charge your workout (and your body), too:

1.) Warm Up and Cool Down Sufficiently. In short: take 10. Strive to take 10 minutes before heavy exercise to get blood flowing with light aerobic activity (walking, or a series of slow arm and leg circles) to getrepparttar 115571 large muscle groups moving and prevent injury. Atrepparttar 115572 end of your workout, try to opt for 10 minutes of light stretching, aiming atrepparttar 115573 major muscle groups: arms, back, chest, and legs. This will help re-absorb lactic acid (metabolic waste that builds up during exercise and can lead to soreness).

2.) Drink More Water. Just eight-8oz. glasses of water per day will carry away waste and toxins from your body. It will also help keep you cool during exercise and replacerepparttar 115574 fluids lost during your workout (you will usually lose 1 liter per 1-hour workout).

Are you one of a million walking time bombs?

Written by Nick Webb

Let’s suppose you have high blood pressure and you have to take medications to treat it … what can you do? Or you’re not on medication, but should be. Hypertension,repparttar scientific name for constant high blood pressure, is considered a silent killer because most people with hypertension are what is called asymptomatic, meaning without symptoms. Yes, a very large percentage of people with high blood pressure could be considered ticking time bombs. They can blow at any time. They get on with their daily lives not knowing that tragedy could be lurking just aroundrepparttar 115566 corner. The other side ofrepparttar 115567 coin is that many people taking blood pressure pills DO get symptoms: undesired side effects from their medications. This isrepparttar 115568 reason why so many people seem to ‘forget’ to take their medicine as prescribed. If you don’t want to take your pills, then I suggest you start getting your life back and taking control of it right now. You can do it, andrepparttar 115569 decision is yours. If you are successful you may be able to stop taking your blood pressure medication(s). If this isn’t possible after your efforts, please don’t despair as you will almost certainly be able to reducerepparttar 115570 dosage, with subsequent savings of your heard earned dollars. Most important of all is that you will feel a lot better. You’ll have more energy and zest, why you’ll even look better, too. You will have got rid of those excess pounds around your waist or hips, your skin will look better and your eyes will be sharper. A new you, or perhapsrepparttar 115571 you that you were some years back, maybe too many to remember. We all dedicate time to our work, and other things, but how many of us truthfully dedicate time to ourselves? Are You Overweight? Being overweight is a risk factor for developing heart disease. Just like hypertension is. The good thing is weight loss has also been found to reduce blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure. These results are more dramatic in those who are obese, and a reduction of blood pressure can occur with weight loss of as little as 10 pounds (4.5 Kg). However, don’t go for one of those fancy new fad diets where they claim you can loose 10 pounds in a week. You might even be able to, but you’ll almost certainly get it all back within a matter of weeks! There are no easy shortcuts. Sensible weight control can only be achieved with consistent healthy eating habits AND regular exercise. Most ofrepparttar 115572 people I deal with drop 1 to 2 pounds a week without any real effort.

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