Working At Home in Your PJs

Written by Judy LaMont

Talk about dreaming and working at home in your PJs…

Sandy and I were workingrepparttar midnight shift, and we were trying hard to stay awake. That night was really difficult for some reason. Then someone came along and asked where was Mary in room 301. Well that woke us both up. Frantically we go searching in every room and allrepparttar 116484 stairways. Boy was that enough to wake up everyone. Well, guess where we found her, feet dangling out ofrepparttar 116485 laundry hamper..with her head onrepparttar 116486 clothes and sound asleep.

We both laughed. Butrepparttar 116487 reality was, when I was working inrepparttar 116488 everyday world, I spent a lot of time thinking that there must be a better way then help someone else make money and use my valuable time. After forty years of being a nurse and helping people, I decided that I could help people by working in my home. I remember whenrepparttar 116489 Internet first came about and how fascinated I was withrepparttar 116490 concept of being able to reachrepparttar 116491 whole world with justrepparttar 116492 click ofrepparttar 116493 mouse.

Do you remember when you could go somewhere and not hear anyone talking about emails and websites? It seems such a short time ago, but for myself, it became my way to work in my PJs. How about you? Is that what your are wanting to do?

If your work is changing and you are feeling like you want to work at home in your PJs, it is likely that you are trying to figure out how to make that transition.

If you’re not yet sure that it’s time to make your move, consider these questions:

1. Are you finding it difficult to go to work everyday, driverepparttar 116494 traffic rush, feeling like you are losing time with your children, or simply just missing out on your own time and freedom?

Drive Yourself to More Auction Money

Written by Brian McGregor

Big ticket items are increasingly popular on eBay.

Cars are probably one ofrepparttar best examples of this.

In fact, eBay isrepparttar 116483 largest dealer of used cars inrepparttar 116484 USA. And eBay's car sales inrepparttar 116485 UK is also growing significantly. Every 16 seconds, a car is sold on eBay!

If you're an eBay seller, here's an idea you might like to consider to make extra cash.

The vast majority of car dealers don't use eBay. They advertise inrepparttar 116486 press, usually locally, and their customers likewise usually live within reach ofrepparttar 116487 car dealer.

What eBay Motors has successfully proved is that people will bid on cars from owners hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

Why not take your eBay selling expertise, and offer your services to car dealers in your area?

You know how to create auctions, take and upload photos, and manage auctions. The dealers have vehicles which are getting a tiny fraction ofrepparttar 116488 exposure which eBay could offer.

You might decide to offer this to dealers on a no-cost basis. In other words, you bearrepparttar 116489 cost of eBay's listing and selling fees. The benefit here is that there is no reason whyrepparttar 116490 dealer shouldn't give yourepparttar 116491 go-ahead. They could get a sale without cost to them and no extra effort on their behalf. That's what I call a no-brainer!

Alternatively, you could pass onrepparttar 116492 fees torepparttar 116493 dealer onrepparttar 116494 basis that they would be spending money anyway on press advertising.

The other commercial arrangements are simple. You could work on a commission, where you get a percentage ofrepparttar 116495 sale price. Or you could agree a price whichrepparttar 116496 dealer will accept forrepparttar 116497 sale ofrepparttar 116498 car, and anything you can get above that price is your profit. This would work particularly well ifrepparttar 116499 dealer has had a vehicle for some time, and has no interest in it.

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