Work attitude ethics for progress

Written by Pierre de Bruin du Plessis

January, 12, 2004

This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves inrepparttar role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards.

© This article may be re-published only in ezines, magazines, newspapers and web sites, as long as it remains unchanged, together withrepparttar 109365 accompanying signatures and this copyright notice.

The heading of this article could just as well have been "How to position yourself for promotion" or "How to position yourself for career advancement" or "How to climbrepparttar 109366 success ladder" or something similar.

The answer on how to cultivate good work ethics is simple. Make yourself one ofrepparttar 109367 linking pins in your organisation. A linking pin is someone to whom everybody turns to, to get information and advice from. It is also someone who can link persons, sections and departments for better co-operation. But most important of all, it is someone who can exert influence upwards, downwards and sideways inrepparttar 109368 organisation structure. In other words you must be able to influence people around you to carry outrepparttar 109369 wishes, policies and strategies of top management, by earning respect through your display of expertise and thoroughness. You must also be able to representrepparttar 109370 valid wishes and needs of lower levels to top management. You can become a linking pin by striving to attainrepparttar 109371 following traits:

Cloak yourself with expert knowledge in your technical field of operation.

If you are an electrician, do not only be satisfied with your qualification. Try to gain more in depth expertise in this technical field of yours, to distinguish yourself from other electricians.

If you are an accountant, avail yourself of in depth knowledge about bookkeeping practices by studying or reading up on subjects pertinent for your field of technical expertise.

You can bluff your way during interviews, but once you have been appointed, people expect from you to perform. This is whererepparttar 109372 cookie crumbles or you succeed. The point is you must not only perform at an average level, but you must display exceptional or above average expertise, so that others can start to rely on your opinions and advice.

Produce accurate work.

Cultivate a habit to carry out your work correctly with a minimum of mistakes. Sloppiness or tardiness must definitely not be present in your attitude, personal appearance or any of your work outputs, be it notes, memo’s, letters, spreadsheets, conversations or anything related to your work.

Imagine what will happen if debits and credits are being processedrepparttar 109373 wrong way around in a financial department. It will have disastrous consequences. Strive for professionalism in what you do.

Be quicker than most.

This is one ofrepparttar 109374 best ways to demonstrate your superiority and efficiency. By executing duties and tasks speedily, you are being more productive and can entice more important tasks your way and thereby not only increase your merit ratings, but also your ultimate job rating. If you can perform your duties speedily, do not wait and stay idle, but present yourself to your superior for more work. Find a balance to be both quick and accurate.

Display awareness of productivity.

This must start with your own self-evaluation. Ask yourself constantly if you are giving more back torepparttar 109375 organisation in value, than what you are being paid every month. Although not easy to calculate, just thinking about it may have enough of an impact. Just imagine for a moment if your organisation were to be solely dependant for profit onrepparttar 109376 output of human beings only. In other words nothing to sell or produce but labour output. If you can do more, it reflects directly on profit. Luckily a lot of organisations have machines that make up in productivity for what is lost by unproductive employees. But being more productive in what you do as a human being, can contribute significantly torepparttar 109377 profits of any organisation. As salaries are one ofrepparttar 109378 highest cost elements in any organisation, this is one ofrepparttar 109379 first cost elements that come under scrutiny during times of cost reduction efforts. You have to show your worth in order not to be included in downscaling ofrepparttar 109380 labour force. But more positively, you have to show your worth to be counted in for consideration for promotion.

Get rid of time wasters.

Arriving late for work, stretching of tea and lunch breaks and elongated private conversations onrepparttar 109381 phone, are not only wasting your valuable time, but are a reflection of your poor awareness of productivity. Private conversations onrepparttar 109382 telephone are one ofrepparttar 109383 most abused methods of stealth stealing from your employer. If you cannot be trusted onrepparttar 109384 use ofrepparttar 109385 telephone, what else can you be trusted with? Are you a role model for getting rid of these time wasters or for abusing it? Are you earning respect for your ethical conduct in eradicating time wasters or are you just one ofrepparttar 109386 crowd? If you discipline yourself and others around you onrepparttar 109387 economical use of time, you are on your way to earn a respected leadership role. Others must detect a sense of urgency in your execution of duties to begin to respect and follow your example. Do you want to be a follower or a leader? Do you want to stay obscured inrepparttar 109388 crowd forrepparttar 109389 rest of your life or do you want to be recognised? There is such a thing as telephone ethics, you know. If you are prepared to pay for your use ofrepparttar 109390 employer telephone, you are not abusing it. Do you really know what you are costing your employer for usingrepparttar 109391 phone? You are not supposed to use it for private purposes inrepparttar 109392 first place. It is a privileged instrument entrusted to you to help you in your work and not to cause financial loss to you employer.

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Written by Marc Prensky

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

By Marc Prensky © 2004 Marc Prensky

Perhapsrepparttar least understood and least appreciated notion among those who design and deliver education today isrepparttar 109364 fact that our students have changed radically. A really big discontinuity has taken place –repparttar 109365 arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology inrepparttar 109366 last decades ofrepparttar 109367 20th century.

Today’s learners representrepparttar 109368 first generations to grow up with this new technology. The numbers are overwhelming: over 10,000 hours playing videogames, over 10,000 hours talking on digital cell phones; over 20,000 hours watching TV (a high percentage fast speed MTV), over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and received; over 500,000 commercials seen—all before today’s kids leave college. And, maybe, atrepparttar 109369 very most, 5,000 hours of book reading. As a result of this ubiquitous environment andrepparttar 109370 sheer volume of their interaction with it, today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors. “Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures, “ says Dr. Bruce D. Berry of Baylor College of Medicine.

Today’s students are Digital Natives. They are “native speakers” ofrepparttar 109371 digital language of computers, video games andrepparttar 109372 Internet.

So what does that makerepparttar 109373 rest of us? Those of us who were not born intorepparttar 109374 digital world but have come to it later in our lives are, compared to them, Digital Immigrants. And as we Digital Immigrants learn – like all immigrants, some better than others – to adapt to their environment, we always retain, to some degree, an "accent," that is, our foot inrepparttar 109375 past. The “Digital Immigrant accent” can be seen in such things as turning torepparttar 109376 Internet for information second rather than first; in readingrepparttar 109377 manual for a program rather than assuming thatrepparttar 109378 program itself will teach us to use it; in printing out our emails (or having our secretary print them out for us – an even “thicker” accent); or in never changingrepparttar 109379 original ring of our cell phone. Those of us who are Digital Immigrants can, and should, laugh at ourselves and our “accent.”

But this is not just a joke. It’s very serious, becauserepparttar 109380 single biggest problem facing education today is that our Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that ofrepparttar 109381 pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.

Digital Natives are used to receiving information really fast. They like to parallel process and multi-task. They prefer their graphics before their text rather thanrepparttar 109382 opposite. They prefer random access (like hypertext). They function best when networked. They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards. They prefer games to “serious” work. Digital Immigrant instructors typically have very little appreciation for these new skills thatrepparttar 109383 Natives have acquired and perfected though years of interaction and practice. These skills are almost totally foreign torepparttar 109384 Immigrants, who themselves learned – and so choose to teach – slowly, step-by-step, one thing at a time, individually, and above all, seriously.

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