People are interested to hear about someone's opinion on a product or service.When I scout for a web host,
first thing I look for are testimonials from those who are already with
web host. If their testimonials include their Web site or e-mail address, I visit their site or e-mail them for reaffirmation.
When I buy books on Amazon, I read
readers' reviews first because they help me in my book-buying decision.
The same thing goes when I'm reading a sales page. What people think of a product, e-book, service or software matters a great deal, and can influence my decision to buy or not to buy.
As an e-zine publisher or Web site owner, you have an "influence" on your readers or visitors. When you recommend a product or service to them, your words will have an effect on their decision.
Many of us buy products (e-books, reports, software) that help us in our online marketing efforts. Which of these products do you honestly feel you can endorse to your r eaders and/or visitors?
Write an honest evaluation or review of
products you have bought.
Talk about
many benefits you have derived from owning them.
What are their weak points? Where do these products excel?