Words of Wisdom for Single Parents

Written by Sarah Mitchell

The cost of being a parent and raising a child in todays world is constantly increasing. The risk of your child becoming involved in problem behaviour is also greater. Parents must work together as a team to ensurerepparttar brightest future for their children. But what if there is no team. No other person to rely upon. This is what millions of single parents deal with everyday. But it is not onlyrepparttar 110796 parent who sees this as a gloomy situation. Children are quite often left thinking that they arerepparttar 110797 reason for a separation or divorce. It isrepparttar 110798 child who must attend father and son day at school without a dad. They have to grow up with allrepparttar 110799 stigma attached to coming from a "broken home". These are just a few ofrepparttar 110800 many potential problems that a single parents household are faced with. This article is aimed at providing single parents with some strategies for raising a good child despite what other people may say.

Concentrate onrepparttar 110801 positives

Although it may be impossible to see at first, there are some positives for single parents. The main one being less fighting, bickering and tension aroundrepparttar 110802 house. This will benefit your child inrepparttar 110803 long run as it becomes a more child friendly environment. Try to see your situation as a new found freedom and feeling of independence.

Develop a new relationship with your child

A child must obviously be comforted at such a time, but also made to see that you arerepparttar 110804 boss. Do not let your child think that because there is now only one parent around, they can do whatever they please. Children need rules and routine, regardless of how many parents are around.

Ask for help if you need it

Suddenly single parents will probably find that their workload doubles or triples at first. If your children are old enough, be sure to set them some chores aroundrepparttar 110805 house each day to takerepparttar 110806 pressure off yourself a little. Speak to other parents as much as you can. You will be surprised how often they will be happy to help out. It may just be taking your child torepparttar 110807 movies or to a sports game on a Saturday morning, but every little bit helps. Above all, don't feel as though you have to do absolutely everything on your own.

Girls Gone MILD

Written by Stanley J. Leffew


So many voices crying out for adherence and so many people confused about values, virtues and life.

What voices are calling out to you and what voices are you listening to?

My daughter is just now enjoying her first year in life. As I listen torepparttar voices calling out to young ladies these days, I can't help but wonder whatrepparttar 110795 popular trend will be when she has to decide which voices she will lend an ear to.

As she enters young adulthood, I hope this is what she finds.

I hoperepparttar 110796 popular trend ofrepparttar 110797 day is a video craze called, "Girls Gone MILD!"

No, that's not a misprint!

I hope it is popular because it depicts women inrepparttar 110798 following ways:

* As more than full-of-brandy eye candy and toys-for-boys

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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