Wording Up Your Website

Written by Glenn Murray

Back to basics. Forget funky design, good copywriting isrepparttar key to a clear and intuitive website.

Are you losing business because of your website? More and more customers are logging on torepparttar 108091 Web to decide where to spend their money because it is quick and convenient, and they can jump from site to site instead of walking from store to store. Web savvy customers don't need to be patient, studies have shown that you need to engage a potential customer very quickly by giving them easy, fast access torepparttar 108092 information they need. Otherwise they will simply move on torepparttar 108093 next site.

Appealing design and speedy functionality are important but they don't ensure that your site is well structured (intuitive) or well written (clear).

Write First The real message on most websites is inrepparttar 108094 writing, and so it makes sense thatrepparttar 108095 writing should determinerepparttar 108096 structure. Unfortunately, this is notrepparttar 108097 usual case. Most businesses chooserepparttar 108098 structure and design of their site first and then try and fitrepparttar 108099 writing around that structure. This flies inrepparttar 108100 face of commonsense. When you speak to someone, you structure your speech around your message, you don't decide on a structure then changerepparttar 108101 message to suit. So you need to plan what you want to say before you createrepparttar 108102 site. Maybe even writerepparttar 108103 whole thing first and then userepparttar 108104 message to determinerepparttar 108105 structure.

When deciding what to write, think about what your customer wants to know rather than what you want to say. It's a subtle difference, but it isrepparttar 108106 key to engaging a potential customer.

Most customers will want to knowrepparttar 108107 basics:

Writing Newsletters – Tricks of the Trade

Written by Glenn Murray

Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and you’ll soon be writing great newsletters and reapingrepparttar rewards.

Company newsletters can be an amazingly successful marketing technique. Whether you want to up-sell or cross-sell, establish your brand or establish your authority, or simply reach a wider market, a newsletter can dorepparttar 108090 job for you. You just have to make sure you write it right.

Television, radio, and print advertising are often too expensive for many businesses to justify – especially small businesses. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Today’s internet and email technologies make company newsletters a very inexpensive, yet surprisingly effective, form of advertising. When it comes to newsletters, big companies and small are finally competing on a level playing field.

So what is an email newsletter? An emailed newsletter serves muchrepparttar 108091 same purpose as a traditional company newsletter. Think of it as a short newspaper – but instead of relating to a town, city or country, it relates to your business. You can include articles on new products or services, awards, recent success stories and case studies, promotions, specials, share price rises, company events, research… And if it’s a quiet month, you can simply write articles that might help your customers out.

10 Steps to Success Follow 10 simple rules of thumb, and you’ll soon be writing great newsletters and reapingrepparttar 108092 rewards…

Keep It New! Your readers won’t waste time reading something they already know, so make it news they can use. Keep it personal: Always use your reader’s name. Make sure when someone signs up, you get their name, then use it inrepparttar 108093 subject line, inrepparttar 108094 greeting, and anywhere else you can. Know your reader: Find out what your reader is interested in. Do some pro-active research, invite response, or find an email marketing solution such as Ezemail** that tracksrepparttar 108095 links your readers click on and keeps a history of their activity.

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