Women of the Net

Written by Cathy Bryant

Women ofrepparttar Net by Cathy Bryant Copyright 2002 http://www.homebizjunction.com

Two years ago, when I had been working online about a year, an online colleague approached me about writing an article for a special edition of his newsletter which was to feature successful women online. Naturally, I agreed.

As I was researching forrepparttar 130945 article, I read a statistic that revealed that women over 50 were one ofrepparttar 130946 fastest growing groups of internet users. That didn't surprise me, as atrepparttar 130947 time I was approaching that "golden age" and had contact with others online who were also in that age group.

All these women were usingrepparttar 130948 vehicle ofrepparttar 130949 internet to earn an income online - andrepparttar 130950 numbers were growing every day.

So I wroterepparttar 130951 article, and it was published not only in my colleague's newsletter but many others as well.

Now, two years later, I realize thatrepparttar 130952 things I discussed in that article are as relevant today as they were two years ago whenrepparttar 130953 article was first published - and we all know that for anything to stay current online for two years it must be significant!

For that reason, I feel that they bear repeating again. After all, there are an untold number of women - in this age group as well as younger - who have enteredrepparttar 130954 world of internet business since that first article was published two years ago.

So what did I reveal in that article? Consider this...

CLUTTER'S SIDE EFFECTS: How the State of Your Home Affects Your Life

Written by Stephanie Roberts

Each area of your home has a symbolic meaning with which you resonate on a subconscious level. Clutter and untidiness within each of these areas causes constriction and inertia inrepparttar corresponding aspects of your life.

CLUTTER IN THE KITCHEN The kitchen has been calledrepparttar 130943 "heart ofrepparttar 130944 home," and with good reason. Here we are nourished and provided for, even if we are dining on a frozen entrée zapped inrepparttar 130945 microwave rather than a homemade meal lovingly presented by Mom. An untidy and disorganized kitchen makes it hard to nourish yourself and others, on both physical and metaphysical levels. How you care for your kitchen is a clue about whether you are giving proper attention to your own nourishment and sources of abundance. Cleaning up and de-cluttering your kitchen opens up space for you to receiverepparttar 130946 support and comfort that you need in life.

LIVING AND DINING ROOM CLUTTER These are spaces where you mingle with and honor your relationships with family and friends. Here you engage withrepparttar 130947 world while being at home through watching television, readingrepparttar 130948 paper, or arguing politics with old friends over dinner. Clutter can turn these social spaces into dens of isolation, especially ifrepparttar 130949 mess is so bad that it has been years since you've invited people over. Look around your living and dining rooms to see what they say about your relationship withrepparttar 130950 rest ofrepparttar 130951 world. Are you hiding your true self from others, burying it in clutter, or putting it on display here?

CLUTTERED HALLWAYS Hallways arerepparttar 130952 arteries and highways of your home. Think of clutter in your hallways as a traffic jam that prevents important connections between different areas of your home and your life. Look at your hallways to see how you feel about your life's path: are they well lit and easily navigable, or do they trip you up? If you feel a disconnect between work and family, self and others, what you need and your obligations, it may be time to give your hallways a good clearing out.

BATHROOM CLUTTER Bathing and anointingrepparttar 130953 body is a preparatory ritual for many religious rites both ancient and contemporary. On a daily basis we use this space to prepare ourselves to meet repparttar 130954 world. Clutter inrepparttar 130955 bathroom can indicate a devaluation of self-worth, a lack of attention to self that goes beyondrepparttar 130956 physical. A clean, well-decorated bathroom can become a tranquil sanctuary for rejuvenation and self-care. Scented soaps, attractive accessories, and fragrant candles have a place here. Beautifying your bathroom by eliminating clutter and disorder and transforming it into a place of refuge will bring a sense ofrepparttar 130957 sacred into your morning and evening personal-care rituals.

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