Women as Catholic Priests: The Time for Change is Now

Written by Stella Ramsaroop

In ancient Rome,repparttar cradle of democracy, women had no rights. Their place was inrepparttar 130099 home underrepparttar 130100 custody and control ofrepparttar 130101 master ofrepparttar 130102 house, which would often berepparttar 130103 husband or father. Her job was to take care ofrepparttar 130104 house and family. She had no vote, could not govern, nor even conduct her own affairs withoutrepparttar 130105 oversight of a man. These are actions viewed as crude and uncivilized by today’s standards.

However, even during these primitive times of democracy women were still allowed to be priestesses in Rome. The Vestal Virgins were honored and revered by men and women alike for their years of sacrifice and service torepparttar 130106 Goddess Vesta. So how is it that over two thousand years later,repparttar 130107 Catholic Church still refuses to ordain women for service inrepparttar 130108 Church as priests?

Admittedly, it has been only very recently that most of humanity has decided to allow womenrepparttar 130109 privilege of being acknowledge as an equal with men. In fact, it is only withinrepparttar 130110 last century that American women have been allowed to vote or hold a political position. However, during this time women’s rights have made significant advances. Women now work outsiderepparttar 130111 house, hold political office – even at a national level, have ready access to equal education, and yes, they even conduct religious services in many religions.

Even Jewish congregations have women serving as rabbis. In fact, a woman was recently selected to replacerepparttar 130112 retiring male rabbi of a conservative congregation with over 500 families. This is a first for Conservative Judaism, which ordained its first female rabbi in 1985.

I haverepparttar 130113 utmost respect for Scripture and its importance in society, so I do recognizerepparttar 130114 passage fromrepparttar 130115 Apostle Paul requiring women to be silent in churches and saying it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church. Paul instructsrepparttar 130116 women to wait till they get home to ask their husbands any questions they may have aboutrepparttar 130117 service. (1 Corinthians 14:33-35)

Having acknowledgedrepparttar 130118 importance of Scripture, my reverence forrepparttar 130119 Bible, and my knowledge of Paul’s teaching; I now admit that I vehemently disagree withrepparttar 130120 sexism of this passage.

How to clean gold jewelry

Written by Ben Sather

Gold jewelry to a woman is priceless. Although gold jewelry comes in many different styles and colors,repparttar care and cleaning procedure for all golden treasures remainrepparttar 130098 same. Good common sense is your best guide, and these important tips on how to clean gold jewelry will help you keep your exquisite pieces lustrous and shining.

Gold is tarnish-resistant, but it can get dirty or smudged. Lotions, powders, soaps, even natural skin oils that we use regularly can cover your jewelry and cut down their brilliance. Jewelry cleaning removes any such build-up or residue and restoresrepparttar 130099 original sparkle and shine to make your precious jewelries last a lifetime.

Although numerous commercial products are available to clean gold jewelry, most often water and a mild detergent is sufficient to restorerepparttar 130100 radiance, and a soft brush helps to gently clean intricate filigree designs and stones. Sometimes it can be helpful to soakrepparttar 130101 gold jewelry in a solution of one part ammonia and six parts water for up to sixty seconds. It is imperative to dry and polish your gold jewelry with a chamois or soft cloth after cleaning.

Jewelry polishing cloths are an effective and inexpensive way of keeping your bits of gold glittering and radiant. These essential cotton cloths help to remove tarnish and to buff jewelry to look as good as new. Avoid wearing jewelry while in contact with household chemicals, such as chlorine bleach as this can discolor or damage your gold jewelry mountings.

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