Women's Intuition

Written by Robert Bruce Baird


The propaganda againstrepparttar Jews may have originally been fomented byrepparttar 130417 Benjaminites who had been thrown out ofrepparttar 130418 Holy Land byrepparttar 130419 people of Israel. The House of Judah or Merovingians had their Phoenician (Hyksos) kin-folks take these elite overlords to Arcadia in Greece and they went many other places where their trading empires were already established after that.

The Golden Bough is a central resource for any student of religion and magic. In it we see Plutarch and other scholars were convinced thatrepparttar 130420 bulk ofrepparttar 130421 eminent male gods ofrepparttar 130422 Mediterranean were imitations of Osiris andrepparttar 130423 original colonizers of Egypt. Apollo, Dionysius andrepparttar 130424 rest of them also started to have red-headed people offerings atrepparttar 130425 graves of Osiris and these gods, at frequent rituals. I believe this reflectsrepparttar 130426 growth in colonial independence andrepparttar 130427 willingness of various colonies to stand up torepparttar 130428 Hyksos (Phoenician Kelts) ‘foreigners’. It also leads to a lot of Red Heads going back to places like Ireland. The increasing fortifications and indoor Temples also were ramping up asrepparttar 130429 Druidic influence became lessened and regional priesthoods sought greater power.

Then there camerepparttar 130430 desire for man to proclaim himself Divine while still alive. Many scholars say Alexander wasrepparttar 130431 first to do this but I see Akhenaton/Nefertiti/Moses as a single person at one point in time (a possibility supported by Gardner andrepparttar 130432 actual bodies inrepparttar 130433 sarcophagi) who clearly had such an ego. It is therefore my belief that most nations are a result of ego and not a desire to improve government as we are often told with great certainty. Those who tell us government has been improved are paid by government as part ofrepparttar 130434 trickle down that flows from sovereign nations rather than personal growth and empowerment of people. Who really benefits from borders and secret service agencies or war? Yes, this is an over-simplification.

One ofrepparttar 130435 purposes ofrepparttar 130436 Dionyistic or other religious cults was sexual gratification and some may have grown soulfully through that process. The Bacchanals were probably intorepparttar 130437 Tantric sexual system and we can assume there were many who never really hadrepparttar 130438 right motives just as is true today withrepparttar 130439 Thelemics like Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard. There is a lot of evidence in Fraser’s great book that deals with prostitution enforced to benefitrepparttar 130440 coffers ofrepparttar 130441 Temple and we can be sure some ofrepparttar 130442 priests enjoyedrepparttar 130443 opportunities at no cost. It is such a sickening program and one might wonder how concubinage was allowed inrepparttar 130444 Catholic Church until recently, given that they were also supposed to be celibate. My God! What a farce, and they haverepparttar 130445 audacity to Inquisition others or proclaim certain groups as heretics!

There is a lot to be learned through sexual union; and Tantrism or Wicca with their ‘working-partners’ can provide great insight. Kundalini and Bhakti are very spiritual uses of sexual and chakric energy. There are many Neolithic Libraries or stelae and bas-reliefs that show various sexual or Sutra-type positions. There can be no question that people have learned through these human experiences for as long as man has existed if not before. You do not need to be literate to become a ‘sensitive’ or adept seer. Even as women were made slaves or harem baby-factory chattelrepparttar 130446 experiences of sex still brought great understanding and wisdom to women. But we suffer a repression of such potentials to this very day.

Some propagandists ofrepparttar 130447 time of Christ andrepparttar 130448 Gospels, which were written 30 to 70 years after his death, would have us believe Mary was a prostitute and that Jesus wasrepparttar 130449 Dark Prince because he associated with her and drank fermented grape. As I have pointed out,repparttar 130450 idea that Jesus had a co-equal mortal mate is problematical torepparttar 130451 proposition that he is ‘the only begotten’ and it is even more divergent from Augustine’s creation ofrepparttar 130452 ‘Original Sin’ with women as ‘the harbingers’ thereof. There are many Divinely Inspired authors in this tacky propaganda scenario. Jerome andrepparttar 130453 Vulgate, Philorepparttar 130454 Jew, Josephus, and Paul, just to name a few. I preferrepparttar 130455 anti-Semite Origen or Clement who refused to be bought by allrepparttar 130456 power this deceit brought torepparttar 130457 newly burgeoning plagiarization fomented by Rome. The Dead Sea Scrolls show us a leather scriptural document attributed to Abraham. Such an old document would have impressedrepparttar 130458 impressionable who would not have known it was a fake. Inrepparttar 130459 science of today it is carbon-dated to make it clear this was just another fraud.

Women Are More Powerful

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

WOMEN ARE MORE POWERFUL Thought forms, biological ability to endure pain and a lot of other reasons make women morerepparttar cause of man’s insecurities than he would like to admit. This article will focus onrepparttar 130415 psychic nurturing side of women thatrepparttar 130416 vernacular lingo calls ‘women’s intuition’.Inrepparttar 130417 early first millennium B.C. when writing was made popular byrepparttar 130418 Phoenicians giving an alphabet to her Greek and other trading colonies there was already a vengeful nature torepparttar 130419 relations between man and his ‘sister’. Misogynists like Hesiod wererepparttar 130420 stars ofrepparttar 130421 lyric stage. It would be interesting to speculate aboutrepparttar 130422 female superiority in personal combat as part ofrepparttar 130423 reason for this now that archaeology has proven a great deal ofrepparttar 130424 Amazon legend is real. Women don’t faint likerepparttar 130425 weaker sex when they lose blood. Their lighter bodies and more body fat when fit, allowed for endurance of themselves and their horses that no average man could equal. Clearly if women were shorter amongrepparttar 130426 Kelts who grew to seven feet tall, thenrepparttar 130427 horses would appreciate a six foot tall rider. These things would have been paramount when tanks and airplanes weren’t in use. Could Hesiod have been recordingrepparttar 130428 dangers of women based on years of Scythian domination? This would be counter torepparttar 130429 compassionate qualities of women but it is possible they had to do this in order not to have done to them what was occurring in other parts ofrepparttar 130430 Mediterranean. The Scythians can be shown as part ofrepparttar 130431 Druidic pan-tribal council of six king-bairds inrepparttar 130432 pre-Christian era. In fact this Hyperborean, Thulean and Scythian legend is all aboutrepparttar 130433 same ancient League of Nations. The words all mean ‘northerner’. Butrepparttar 130434 Amazons maderepparttar 130435 men serve them in degrading ways and though some scholars thinkrepparttar 130436 Dryads arerepparttar 130437 originators ofrepparttar 130438 Druidic or Bardic Tradition I believe it was not a matriarchy. So how didrepparttar 130439 Amazons act so bodacious inrepparttar 130440 midst ofrepparttar 130441 Scythians? It is purely speculative to go much further than sayingrepparttar 130442 Scythians had used these shock troops of dedicated warriors; andrepparttar 130443 warriors had demanded more respect than other male tribal elders were willing to give them. How long they maintained their dominion is not known to me, but it seems reasonable to suggest that it was a thousand years or more whilerepparttar 130444 rest ofrepparttar 130445 Mediterranean was engaged in forcing women into a position of mere chattel and worse. The word bodacious is derived fromrepparttar 130446 dying embers of this culture inrepparttar 130447 acts of Queen Boadicaea as she burned London during Roman times. In many classical civilizations ofrepparttar 130448 second millennium B.C. leading up torepparttar 130449 Council of Carthage in 397 A.D., women were feared for their psychic power. The program of “women asrepparttar 130450 harbingers ofrepparttar 130451 ‘Original Sin’” was championed by St. Augustine or Augustine of Hippo; I get confused when they all honour each other by usingrepparttar 130452 same name. Anyway he wrote his deviate designs in his own book ‘Confessions’ thatrepparttar 130453 American Psychoanalytical Association had a field day with. The use ofrepparttar 130454 word ‘sinister’ is instructive in our quest to understandrepparttar 130455 certain uncertainties that all true knowledge ofrepparttar 130456 soul will obtain. It is quite likelyrepparttar 130457 Amazons were ambidextrous in training; although there is proof many had to cut one breast off in order to shootrepparttar 130458 bow and arrow most efficiently. I think they were creative psychically endowed women who many feminists today (including liberationists like me) would love to see raised torepparttar 130459 level of role-models. The Bacchanals or Dianistic cults also saw a certain female adaptation torepparttar 130460 gender issues. One need look only atrepparttar 130461 position of women within any given culture to extrapolate its ability to co-exist with other cultures. The more narrowly defined a womans role is within a culturerepparttar 130462 more likely it is that culture will also try to discriminate against other eco-systems andrepparttar 130463 beings who populate it. The Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. wasrepparttar 130464 formalization ofrepparttar 130465 diminishment of women to second class, inrepparttar 130466 Roman Church which was about to expand whenrepparttar 130467 Empire was deemed unnecessary. These historic facts are yet to be fully fleshed out and may never hitrepparttar 130468 mainstream of society that is averse to sex, religion and politics orrepparttar 130469 discussion thereof. There were still strong opponents torepparttar 130470 Romish plot against women andrepparttar 130471 soul of mankind long afterrepparttar 130472 Council of Carthage. Celtic Christianity spread byrepparttar 130473 monastic orders such as Iona to far away islands named after their Irish homeland existed intorepparttar 130474 Eighth century. Antioch and Acre as well as heretical groups like Arianism continued to keep a separate attitude within Christianity untilrepparttar 130475 present day. Butrepparttar 130476 6th Century is regarded asrepparttar 130477 period when Rome became ascendant. There were colonies established throughoutrepparttar 130478 world by conscientious objectors or those who came under ever increasing Inquisitorial control or oppression. One of them was Rhoda. This site saw top scholars dorepparttar 130479 excavations in 1929 and thereabouts. The tablets found do mention issues with mingling or marrying Toltecs. I think it was a Jewish community that tried to keep its religion pure through controls. The Toltecs are members ofrepparttar 130480 Druidic Brotherhood. Could Rhoda have been a female inrepparttar 130481 heritage ofrepparttar 130482 Phoenician founder of Carthage named Dido that top experts now can confirm did found Carthage in 814 B.C.? It is interesting thatrepparttar 130483 Bogomils are associated withrepparttar 130484 remnants ofrepparttar 130485 Cathars lead byrepparttar 130486 great female general Esclaramonde du Foix who I think we all could learn a lot more about.

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