Woman-to-Woman, a Skin Care Guide

Written by John Russell

Woman-to-Woman, a Skin Care Guide

Due torepparttar cycles in a woman's lifespan, her skin is different than a man's skin. Specifically, women have thinner skin than men which makes exposure torepparttar 130780 sun critically more important to a woman. Always use skin care products that have sunscreen at least SPF8 level. The skin onrepparttar 130781 arms, back, and legs should be protected wheneverrepparttar 130782 skin is exposed torepparttar 130783 sun. Typically,repparttar 130784 critical hours are 10am until 4pm, however,repparttar 130785 closer torepparttar 130786 Equator,repparttar 130787 more criticalrepparttar 130788 SPF level and exposure time.

It is said that women are said to age more quickly than men andrepparttar 130789 sun exposure issue is a major factor. The sun's penetrating UVA rays on under protected skin allowrepparttar 130790 sun's penetrating UVA rays to more quickly and deeply damage a woman's thinner skin. As a result of western women's dress, melanoma develops on different body areas than men. Because fashion dictates, women often wear skirts,repparttar 130791 most common site for serious skin issues isrepparttar 130792 lower legs. In men, melanoma is most commonly found onrepparttar 130793 back. To protect yourself from skin cancer, remember to cover all exposed skin at all times.

A woman's skin also tends to change color and texture with age; while sun exposure is responsible for many of these changes, others are caused byrepparttar 130794 dynamic hormonal variations that occur around and during menopause. The hormone estrogen is responsible for maintainingrepparttar 130795 bony framework beneathrepparttar 130796 skin and helps keeprepparttar 130797 skin soft and resilient and works to keep a vibrant, healthy facial complexion. The issue of hormone replacement therapy is front and center inrepparttar 130798 news today. The use of all-natural progesterone creams provides many or all ofrepparttar 130799 benefits hormone replacement therapy does, however, with natural products and without many ofrepparttar 130800 side effects. More information about natural progesterone replacement can be found at www.realprogesterone.com.


Written by John Russell

EFFECTS OF HORMONE LOSS As women age estrogen levels fall, which impacts many parts ofrepparttar body including skin, bones, and bladder

Dry itchy skin is a common complaint. FACT: Without estrogen,repparttar 130779 body tissues lose elasticity and shrink. A common complaint is you feel like your skin is crawling or it becomes sweaty and hot. There is an increased sensitivity torepparttar 130780 sun, problem with teeth such as bleeding gums, lose teeth, andrepparttar 130781 eyes may be dry and itchy. FACT: Estrogen is a hormone that is circulated inrepparttar 130782 blood and affect bothrepparttar 130783 well being and general state of health. FACT: Menopause is triggered by hormonal changes inrepparttar 130784 endocrin system. FACT: The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (the father of medicine) wasrepparttar 130785 first to describe menopause, which he put atrepparttar 130786 age of 50. FACT: A blood test calledrepparttar 130787 follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) can revealrepparttar 130788 arrival of menopause. The common medical response to menopause and estrogen loss is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT is a synthetic form that acts as a replacement forrepparttar 130789 natural hormone, estrogen,repparttar 130790 body produced in higher levels prior to menopause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy must be prescribed by a licensed physician. Recent studies indicate HRT hasrepparttar 130791 potential for significant side effects. The side effects should be carefully evaluated. More information onrepparttar 130792 risks of HRT can be found fromrepparttar 130793 following sources:

1. National Women’s Health Network – 514 10th Street NW, Suite 402, Washington, DC 20004, Phone 202-347-1140.

2. National Institution on Aging Information Center – P.O. Box 8057, Gaitnersburg, MD 20898-8057, Phone 800-222-2225, Publishes resource directory for older people, resources for women’s health and aging.

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