Wireless Network Security

Written by Lawrence Andrews

Working from home has its advantages, including no commute, a more flexible work schedule and fresh coffee and home-cooked meals whenever you want.

But working from home while using a wireless local area network (WLAN) may lead to theft of sensitive information and hacker or virus infiltration unless proper measures are taken. As WLANs send information over radio waves, someone with a receiver in your area could be picking uprepparttar transmission, thus gaining access to your computer.

They could load viruses on to your laptop which could be transferred torepparttar 147700 company's network when you go back to work.

Up to 75 per cent of WLAN users do not have standard security features installed, while 20 per cent are left completely open as default configurations are not secured, but made forrepparttar 147701 users to have their network up and running ASAP.

It is recommended that wireless router/access point setup be always done though a wired client.

Change default administrative password on wireless router/access point to a secured password.

Enable at least 128-bit WEP encryption on both card and access point. Change your WEP keys periodically. If equipment does not support at least 128-bit WEP encryption, consider replacing it.

Although there are security issues with WEP, it represents minimum level of security, and it should be enabled.

Changerepparttar 147702 default SSID on your router/access point to a hard to guess name. Setup your computer device to connect to this SSID by default.

Setup router/access point not to broadcastrepparttar 147703 SSID. The same SSID needs to be setup onrepparttar 147704 client side manually. This feature may not be available on all equipment.

Darknet's The Black holes Of The Internet

Written by Darren.Miller

You may reprint or publish this article free of charge as long asrepparttar bylines are included.

Original URL (The Web version ofrepparttar 147588 article)


Darknet's The Black holes Of The Internet



Darknet's The Black holes Of The Internet

Black Holes & Darknet's


A “Black Hole” can be defined many ways. One definition is “An area of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity is equal to or exceedsrepparttar 147589 speed of light”, another is “A great void or abyss”, and yet another and more relevant definition is “What data has fallen into if it disappears mysteriously between its origin and destination sites” For instance, an e-mail that never reaches it’s destination andrepparttar 147590 sender never receives a bounce or undeliverable message.

Darknet's - The Internet – A Million Points Of Light


Just for a moment, try to visualizerepparttar 147591 Internet like a clear night sky with millions of stars. Some stars are dim while others are bright, and others appears to blink on an off. Now turn your attention to what you “don’t” see. What appears to berepparttar 147592 black spaces between stars inrepparttar 147593 night sky. In many cases, there are stars there, just to faint to see withrepparttar 147594 naked eye. However, great voids of darkness could berepparttar 147595 result of a black hole, an area of space where nothing that goes in, not even light, can escape.

There are places like this onrepparttar 147596 Internet. Some are there by accident, maybe throughrepparttar 147597 incorrect configuration of a router or group of Internet hosts. But there are those areas of Internet dark space that are there quite on purpose. Darknet’s, unlike honey nets or honey pots, where malicious activity can be monitored and recorded, appear as black holes inrepparttar 147598 Internet address space. Any data, communications, or request that falls into a Darknet is lost for ever. The sending host never receives a response.

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