Wireless Meditation: Top Five Tips For Wherever-Whenever Mindfulness

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

The problem with meditation is attachment. We get inrepparttar habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion, incense, CD, certain time of day, necessary length of time, or particular style of sitting. If we can’t do itrepparttar 123117 “right” way, we tend to skip it altogether. We get so attached torepparttar 123118 trappings that we get a little testy if we don’t have everything just so.

This is funny when you think about it. In Buddhism,repparttar 123119 core belief is that life is full of suffering, and this suffering is due to attachment. Isn’t it ironic that we become so attached torepparttar 123120 idea of meditation? Isn’t it a bit absurd to think of followers of particular styles of meditation as obsessive about their own approach?

I find it hilarious.

I also find it destructive.

I’m all for whatever works. If committing to a ritual is right for you, by all means, light that candle. If you must do some yoga exercises prior to sitting, go for it. If you need to go for a run before chanting, be my guest.

However, if you find that your concept of what you need in order to meditate is hindering instead of liberating you, it’s time to take a look at what I refer to as “wireless” meditation.

The beautiful thing about going wireless—-whether it’s with phones, computers, or your own quest for mindfulness—-is that you suddenly become unencumbered by extraneous connections. You can continue with your day. You can go anywhere. You are free.

Just as a wireless phone allows you to think of your workplace in a whole new way, mindfulness practice gives yourepparttar 123121 opportunity to bring attention to whatever you’re doing. Your connection to your mind and your heart is hooked up while you’re taking a shower, washingrepparttar 123122 dishes, walkingrepparttar 123123 dog, or tending your garden. You no longer see mindfulness as something you can do only if you’re sitting in your family room beforerepparttar 123124 kids get up.

For those who’ve given up on meditation, considerrepparttar 123125 freedom of mindfulness practice. Here are five questions to ask yourself in order to stay connected anywhere, anytime:

It Sure is Crazy Out There!

Written by Linda Offenheiser

It seemsrepparttar world of Internet marketing is changing rapidly. There are so many new twists and turns every day. How do we keep up with everything?

A Sense of Humor Helps!

I know it's hard to laugh when you receive 200 or more spam messages in your email every day. But what'srepparttar 123116 alternative? Hitrepparttar 123117 delete key or find an anti-spam program that works.

A friend passed on word of ChoiceMail to me and it'srepparttar 123118 easiest thing to use that I've found. What's more ~ I don't have any spam in my mailbox since I installed it! Now that's something to smile about. If you want to check it out you can find it here: http://www.digiportal.com/. I'm usingrepparttar 123119 free version and it works just fine.

It's even harder to find something to laugh about when your business mail is being blocked. Sometimes this isrepparttar 123120 fault of filters but other times those all-knowing ISP's just decide our subs or clients REALLY don't want to get our mail even though they've requested it.

Now that is just not a laughing matter. It affectsrepparttar 123121 way we do business and has an impact on our success. Lots of people are working on ways to correct this problem (and not all of them are interested in charging us huge fees to guarantee delivery of our mail).

Forrepparttar 123122 time being we have to take it in stride and keep working our business. This is just one more obstacle that has to be overcome; it is NOTrepparttar 123123 end ofrepparttar 123124 Internet marketing world.

Stay Positive!

The worst thing you can do is let all this negative stuff affect your attitude. If you give in to frustration, if you throw up your hands and say, "This is just too much; I can't deal with it anymore" you may as well closerepparttar 123125 doors of your business.

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