Why we do not sell Coral Calcium

Written by Rusty Ford

Why we do not sell Coral Calcium By Rusty Ford http://arthritis-store.com Since coral calcium is one of he hottest products onrepparttar market forrepparttar 115480 treatment of arthritis you would think that a site that is calledrepparttar 115481 Arthritis Store would sell it. So why don't we sell coral calcium. It is simple we care too much for our customers. We do not sell products just because we can make money from them. We can offer coral calcium for one fifth of what it sells for onrepparttar 115482 info-mercials. Butrepparttar 115483 simple truth is it is a scam. Coral Calcium is notrepparttar 115484 best Calcium. Coral calcium is calcium carbonate,repparttar 115485 most common type of calcium onrepparttar 115486 market. It is no different than any other calcium carbonate. It is not more bio available. To say so is a lie. It does not work any different, it does not adjust your body’s pH any differently and to say so is just a lie. Coral Calcium cannot cure or prevent over 200 types of diseases including arthritis. This is a flat out lie. There has never been one study to support this claim, not about this type of calcium or any type. Yes there is much research to support that calcium is good for you and everyone probably should take a calcium supplement. But there is no research anywhere that shows it can cure disease. Coral Calcium will not keep you young You hearrepparttar 115487 sellers say thatrepparttar 115488 people in Okinawa live to be older, in fact they say thatrepparttar 115489 highest percentage of people inrepparttar 115490 world over 100 live there. What they do not tell you is thatrepparttar 115491 people in Okinawa do not eat coral and that researchers attribute there long lives to their mainly fruit and vegetable diets. There have been hundreds of research studies on calcium and not one has ever suggested that it will make you live or look longer.

Did You POOP Today?

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III

DID YOU POOP TODAY? By: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

If you’re like many Americans, constipation is something you’ve experienced. Over 4 million people each year report being constipated. Cases of colon cancer are rising steadily. To understand why you may be suffering, you first need to know exactly what constipation means. When John Wayne died they found 60 pounds of compacted hard fecal matter stuck torepparttar lining of his intestines.

My definition of being constipated means that you have difficulty passing stools and do not have daily bowel movements.

If your stools are soft and pass easily and you pass them at least 2 times per day, I would say you’re not constipated.

In order to be diagnosed with constipation, you must have at least two ofrepparttar 115479 following symptoms for at least 12 months:

·Hard or pellet-like stools at least 25% ofrepparttar 115480 time ·Straining with bowel movements at least 25% ofrepparttar 115481 time ·A feeling that you don’t completely empty your bowels at least 25% ofrepparttar 115482 time ·Fewer than 5 bowel movements per week

What causes constipation?

The most common cause of constipation is a lack of adequate amounts of water, exercise, stress and fiber inrepparttar 115483 diet. The longerrepparttar 115484 stool sits inrepparttar 115485 large intestine waiting to be passed,repparttar 115486 harder and less easy to pass it becomes.

There are many other reasons that you may find yourself constipated. Common causes of constipation include:

·A change in schedule, such as traveling or anything that changes your daily routine ·Repressingrepparttar 115487 urge to have a bowel movement ·An increase in your stress levels ·A lack of exercise and poor dietary habits ·Loss of activity as a result of injury or aging ·Pregnancy ·Medication use

Constipation may also be a result of another health problem, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes or other illnesses.

Older people (overrepparttar 115488 age of 65) still experience constipation more often than other adults. This is often due to an increase in medications and loss of mobility. Recently, overrepparttar 115489 last 10 years, children as well as adults are becoming constipated. Most doctors attribute this to a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and poor nutrition. Studies now show that 50% ofrepparttar 115490 children in America are obese and uneducated about proper diet and healthy living.

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