Why to be down?

Written by Harish Dhingra

Today I am scared, tired and nervous. I know that I can do but I am not able to make others understand. I am just performing well.

I am not hurting anyone. I am following allrepparttar rules. I am so disciplined in office. I am working so hard. Even though they have expectations from me. They expect me to work more. They expect me to earn more.

Be Not Afraid Of Greatness

Written by Austin Akalanze

Have you noticed that poets are probablyrepparttar most under rewarded, of allrepparttar 122958 literary practitioners inrepparttar 122959 whole wide world. Like teachers, we are not rewarded enough for what we do. And honestly, I believe poets are a lot worse of than teachers withrepparttar 122960 exception of a very few. It is not as if poets do not bring value to poeple. We do. And it is not as if people do not desire our poetry. They do. So what isrepparttar 122961 deal? I am not sure whatrepparttar 122962 answer is to that, but I do know that it should not be so.

In any given month, over two million people log on torepparttar 122963 internet searching for love poems only. Now add on to that, searches for all other kind of poems andrepparttar 122964 number can be staggering. This can be verified by searchingrepparttar 122965 searchers on any reverse search engine. There is a huge demand for poetry, that I know. So what isrepparttar 122966 deal? I am still not sure that I know. But I do know that, that can be changed.

And it is not by rushing torepparttar 122967 next ondemand publisher to get your collection published. You will only end up with a stack of books in your basement or artic collecting dust. The way to do it is to userepparttar 122968 technology ofrepparttar 122969 day-repparttar 122970 INTERNET. This may sound pretty obvious but torepparttar 122971 newbie and to some seasoned writers who are technophobic, it is a different world. You know, someone once said, "if your are not making money while you sleep, you will never get rich. That makes good sense, since there is so much you can do in a day. However, withrepparttar 122972 right knowledge,repparttar 122973 right mind, some determination, andrepparttar 122974 right technology, you may not become a poetry Bill Gates, but you may become comfortable or even very comfortable. But wait a minute you may say, how is it possible to make money while you sleep? The answer is inrepparttar 122975 "I" word.

But this is not just about making money while you snooz away. It is about making a living doing what you most enjoy doing. Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990), once said, "The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy." We enjoy writing and we should make a living doing writing.

Truth is, you can make a living doing what you love doing- writing poetry. And not just poems but any genre of writing that you do or any knowledge, especially special knowledge that you have. And aren't we all walking encyclopedia and living museums of sorts.

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