Why diets don't work for most people

Written by Michelle May M.D.

If you are like most people, losing weight is atrepparttar top of your New Year’s resolutions. But if you are like most people, you have a hard time sticking to a diet. We have all been bombarded with information about eating right and exercising so you already knowrepparttar 114448 fundamental principle of weight loss:repparttar 114449 number of calories you eat must be less thanrepparttar 114450 number of calories you burn. But despite all ofrepparttar 114451 information available onrepparttar 114452 countless ways to accomplish this, you and millions of others still battle your weight.

The diet “experts” may recommend counting calories, exchanges, points, grams, or ounces. The diet may require you to eat pre-packaged food or meal replacements. There may be strict meal plans or complicated food regimens to follow. Some methods even eliminate entire food groups—or solid food all together. Diets often tell you that there are forbidden foods or magical food combinations, and they often impose food rules that most people do not, cannot, or should not follow for very long. And of course,repparttar 114453 rules are always changing! Accurate statistics are very hard to come by but it is widely quoted that 90-95% of dieters regain their lost weight. Whateverrepparttar 114454 true numbers, if dieting was truly effective, your problem would have been solved withrepparttar 114455 first one! Lets look at why diets aren’trepparttar 114456 answer for most people.

Your Body is Programmed to Survive While it seems that diets often backfire, this is simplyrepparttar 114457 result of your body adapting to being under-fueled. Your body has primitive, complex survival mechanisms that help keep you alive during limited periods of starvation. However, now that food is abundant and readily available, most modern “famines” arerepparttar 114458 result of self-imposed diets. Your body just doesn’t realize that you are doing this on purpose!

Initially you lose water and fat. However, since muscle burns calories, some of your muscle mass may be given up to lower your metabolism and “save you” from starvation. And though it seems unfair, as you lose weight, your lighter body may not need as many calories. As a result, you burn fewer calories each day and your weight loss slows down. This isrepparttar 114459 frustrating “plateau” that dieters so often experience.

If you return to your previous eating habits whenrepparttar 114460 diet is over, your body quickly replaces its fat stores. But unless you are actively exercising, you will not regainrepparttar 114461 majority ofrepparttar 114462 muscle tissue you lost duringrepparttar 114463 diet. Ultimately, this causes you to have a lower metabolic rate and a higher body fat percentage than beforerepparttar 114464 diet. This explainsrepparttar 114465 irony that most people are less healthy than before they tried to lose weight by going on a diet!

Home Air Purifiers And Allergies

Written by Duane Johnson

A healthy home environment means that contaminants that are harmful to your health are removed or neutralized as much as possible. For allergy sufferers, it is vital to try to limitrepparttar free distribution of air-borne allergens that can trigger allergic symptoms. That includes airborne contaminants such as:

Dust, pollen, allergens

Pet dander, dust mites

Harmful bacteria, viruses

Pet odor removal: dog, cat, etc.

Mold / mildew removal

Cigar / cigarette smoke

Home air purifiers help ridrepparttar 114447 air of these particles that can cause allergic reactions and even trigger asthma attacks. If you can't changerepparttar 114448 way that your body treats what it perceives as a threat by allergic reaction, then you can work on changingrepparttar 114449 environment that you live in so that your body doesn't senserepparttar 114450 presence of these allergy causing compounds.

Most home air purifiers are made to specifically clean and scrubrepparttar 114451 air within a predefined area or size of room. There is no need to buy a home air purifier that is made for large spaces when you only need it for one small room. Likewise, under buying forrepparttar 114452 area you need to have clean air is a waste of money and will not achieverepparttar 114453 results that you want.

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