Why are you not making money on the internet?Written by Alan Cheng
Are you one of those people that is succeeding with their business? Or type that’s losing money every month buying e-books, joining new affiliate programs and purchasing new software. If you are latter type, have you ever thought about why you're not succeeding? Well I can tell you that majority of people I know deep down does know why they are not succeeding. It’s just that it’s Human Nature that we try and block out answer from our brains and we try and not to confront it. I bet even you've more than once avoided things in your life which requires effort and took easy path. While at same time you're giving yourself reasons or should I say excuses for just plain laziness. One of my classic examples is I’ll do dishes after I finish browsing this topic on internet. But after finishing surfing, I'll do dishes after reading newspaper. Oh damn, it’s nearly midnight, oh well, I’ll do dishes tomorrow since I have to go to work next morning. No big deal in not doing dishes tonight, right? Yes, I bet you have similar instances like me ;-) And this process goes on and on and on. Same with your business on internet. You go for get rich quick programs because they are quick, attractive, don't require much effort from you. After a few months you’ve lost a lot of money but continue to join these programs. Losing money every month. Aha... but there are guys
| | Been Burned, Scammed, Taken for a Ride...Written by Rachel Gawith
BEEN BURNT, SCAMMED, TAKEN FOR A RIDE……..Well don’t worry, we have all been there. I doubt there is a single network marketer or homeworker out there who hasn’t at some point in their career fallen for an envelope stuffing scheme, been talked into selling potions and pills, tried chain letters etc. But important thing is to learn from your mistakes and take something from every experience. My first venture into working from home came when I answered an advert in a local paper which stated I could be earning £2000 a week part time, all I had to do was call. So I did and ended up trailing along to a meeting about how much money one could make from selling herbal diet supplements and how easy it all was. So I signed up and paid £200 for starter pack. Full of enthusiasm I started my 68 year old gran off on diet. Well first week she lost a few pounds and all was going well. I paid out another £100 to have a load of leaflets printed and spent hours putting these on car windscreens. By second week, gran had given up on diet as stuff ‘tasted funny’ and she was bored with a milkshake three times a day! Then I decided to try selling products via internet. It was a slow process but I taught myself html coding and built my first website. Then came hard task of trying to market my site and get people to visit it. This is when