Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?

Written by Warren Matthews

I'm going to attempt to shed some shed some light as to whyrepparttar majority ofrepparttar 115733 population is overweight and in less than optimum health. I won't bore you with a whole lot of facts as you have probably heard most of them before, particularly those relating to obesity. Observerepparttar 115734 Evidence: I am sure that you have observedrepparttar 115735 evidence ofrepparttar 115736 extent of general poor health yourself...first hand. If you haven't already done so, next time you are in a shopping mall sit down for 10 minutes and consciously observerepparttar 115737 outward health ofrepparttar 115738 people passing by you.

Look at whether they are overweight, observe their skin for clarity and firmness, take note ofrepparttar 115739 way they move...are their movements effortless and appear to have energy to spare, or are they sluggish as if they are carrying a burden? Also look at their eyes... are they bright, clear and alert? I think that you know whatrepparttar 115740 results of a personal survey such as this will reveal! It will show thatrepparttar 115741 MAJORITY ofrepparttar 115742 people that pass by you will either be overweight or have other outward signs of less than optimal health. I am not being judgmental of these people because many of them are in this condition primarily as a result of being fed misinformation throughrepparttar 115743 media by either misguided authorities or commercial interests. Before I expand on this I should mention that a certain number of these people are nevertheless 100% to blame for their condition.

They know they are doing harmful things to their body and health.

But, what aboutrepparttar 115744 rest ofrepparttar 115745 unhealthy group who are in this condition primarily due to being fed a constant stream of misinformation! These can be placed into just a few general categories: 1. Psychological.

There is a constant barrage of 'pill' advertising which we are subjected to every day. Considerrepparttar 115746 influence that this has onrepparttar 115747 general population. If you were to believerepparttar 115748 advertismentss and ignorerepparttar 115749 side effect warnings it would be quite easy to getrepparttar 115750 impression that there is a 'Magic pill' solution for most ailments.

Added to this arerepparttar 115751 constant news releases that talk about new medical discoveries such as being able to grow replacement organs when your own wear out, and don't forget aboutrepparttar 115752 'promising' research for other new 'miracle' drugs just overrepparttar 115753 horizon. All these influences combined with a 'busy' society looking for a quick and easy 'fix', it is no wonder that so many people are quite 'slack' when it comes to taking care of their bodies...particularly onrepparttar 115754 inside.

2. Dietary Advice. The food pyramid that is recommended people adhere to, haslargely been discredited scientifically but continues to be pushed. Also, an obsession has developed in which people are constantly advised to reduce their fat intake.

The 'official' line is that saturated animal fats are bad for you and you should avoid butter etc, etc... People believe that if you eat saturated fat you will become fat, or if you eat foods containing cholesterol such as eggs you will raise your cholesterol levels, and so on. The reality is quite different but I do not haverepparttar 115755 space to examine this further right now. But just as a quick illustration take cholesterol. 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver. In other words only 20% is from dietary sources. So, if you reduced your intake of cholesterol by 25% it would only impact on your overall cholesterol by 5%. By people acceptingrepparttar 115756 'official' no fat line they turn to alternatives such as margarine and other vegetable oil substitutes. What they are not aware of is that most of these substitutes, which are derived from vegetable oils, are in fact hydrogenated because otherwise they would be liquid at room temperature.

10 daily habits to improve your sense of well-being

Written by Julie Plenty

10 Daily Habits.

Doing things on a regular basis that increase your level of well-being is a very effective and enjoyable way to enhance your self-esteem and develop a firm personal foundation. Some of these may seem quite obvious, but it's amazing what we forget inrepparttar day to day running of our lives! The following are merely suggestions. If necessary, find alternatives that work for you.

1.Find a few minutes for quiet time each day. Where you consciously do nothing, just sit and relax. Some may like to meditate, others listen to relaxing music. Mornings and evenings are good times to do this, butrepparttar 115732 middle ofrepparttar 115733 day can be effective too. Get up slightly earlier to accommodate this. How much time ?- 5, 10, 15, 20 mins - 1 hour. It's up to you.

2.Drink 1½ - 2 litres of water every day. Most of us are dehydrated and many headaches could be alleviated by drinking more water. Don't wait until you're thirsty. Just drink water regularly throughoutrepparttar 115734 day. It clearsrepparttar 115735 head and gives you energy.

3.Appreciate what you have. Most of us concentrate on what we don't have. Even if we don't seem to have a lot, we can be appreciative of what we do have and what we see around us. Is it good health, a roof over our heads, a loving family, supportive friends,repparttar 115736 sun shining,repparttar 115737 dawn chorus? There is always something to appreciate. We can celebrate life every day.

4. Make someone's day. Giving someone a smile, saying "thank you", "good morning". These are small actions that can mean a lot to someone else. Whilst waiting on a crowded tube platform I sneezed and a lady standing next to me said "bless you". It cheered me up immeasurably. This was several years ago and I still remember it.

5. Take some exercise each day. This doesn't mean sweating it out inrepparttar 115738 gym or aerobics class (although it can, if you enjoy it). A brisk walk might be all you need, a relaxing swim, dancing, whatever. Alternatively, find several activities that you like to do and rotate them so that you don't get bored.

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