Why You Need A Web Site

Written by Edward Robirds

Why You Need a Web Site

"I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don’t think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site?"

In this day and time, there is very little that can’t be sold overrepparttar Internet. There are over 20 million people shopping online, buying everything from movies to cars to real estate property. Research predicts that revenues will be over $200 billion in 2004 and will grow at a rate of 30 to 50 percent overrepparttar 132643 next few years. These numbers alone should be enough to persuade you that you and your business should be online.

Regardless of whether you sell your product online, you should atrepparttar 132644 very least have an online presence so that customers, potential employees, partners and even potential investors can easily and quickly find more information about your company,repparttar 132645 products and services you have to offer, as well as how to contact you.

But Can I Afford a Web Site?

Givenrepparttar 132646 competition and current market trends you can’t afford NOT to. Think of your web site as your new marketing tool which, when applied correctly, will generate a return on investment. Your competition is probably already on-line and you need to use every possible avenue just to keep up. You should look at having a web site as an investment in you and your company’s future.

So whatever time or money you currently spend on marketing, supplementing it with a web site is probably a good idea. Your site will help you expand geographically and compete on a much larger scale.

Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site

Written by Sushanth

Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site - What's required to get started

All of us knowingly or unknowingly, use a standard decision making process in our day-to-day lives. The very first step of this process is to decide whether TO DO or NOT TO DO. Ifrepparttar choice is TO DO, we think ofrepparttar 132640 various ways and means of attaining our objective/s, compare their pros & cons and take a final stand.

This aim of this write up is to make you aware ofrepparttar 132641 resources that are needed to achieve your TO DO objective. The TO DO objective is to conceptualize, build and publish your web site. The first step is to decide what you want from your web site. Do you want a site that your near and dear ones can visit from time to time (I assume you are far away from them.) or do you want a site that sells a product, service, brand or image? Whateverrepparttar 132642 purpose of your web site,repparttar 132643 absolute essentials to have a site up and running are as below: -

The 5 Essentials: Spare Time - You must have lot of spare time at your disposal. So if you are a house maker whose kids have grown up, a worker who has just been shownrepparttar 132644 pink slip or college student on vacation then time shouldn't be a problem for you. Those hard pressed for time can contractrepparttar 132645 web page design work to a professional web master or use a Site Creation tool.

HTML Knowledge - HTML is NOT a programming language. Its basics can be mastered within a month and repparttar 132646 learning curve is not too steep. The fact that anyone can learn HTML and create Web pages is repparttar 132647 reason whyrepparttar 132648 Internet is so popular and has such varied content. Learnrepparttar 132649 HTML tags and how to use them. Skip complex topics like frames, style sheets, CGI, JavaScript. Buy a good book on HTML. It will teach HTML and also give links to various online HTML resource sites.

HTML Page & Site Creation Tools - The main reason for using these tools is to speed uprepparttar 132650 process of page / site creation. However, most ofrepparttar 132651 tools do not produce correct HTML and editing by hand is necessary. Your HTML book will provide reviews of these tools and links to their web sites. If you know HTML and plan to have 5-6 web pages in your site, a rudimentary editor like Netscape Composer will also suffice. For managing a site with huge number of pages you will need to use a Site Creation Tool.

Make provisions for a fast Internet connection and a room where you can work without distractions.

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