"Why You Must STOP Selling To Sell More!"

Written by Ewen Chia

"Why You Must STOP Selling To Sell More!" (c) Ewen Chia - All Rights Reserved http://www.AllWebMarketing.com

Are you finding it harder to sell and increase sales?

Online consumers are getting smarter and more demanding, and hype is losing out to real value rapidly.

Most customers actually hate being sold to, being treated like a numbered prospect. Come on, would you like that yourself?

Similarly, ask yourself what you would want yourself as your own customer, for some insights into their mindsets.

To gain an edge over your competitors, you need to avoid usingrepparttar same old hardcore selling tactics on your customers..you need to STOP selling to them, and use a different approach for better response.

The differentiation comes in providing them with more value and service...while recommending your offers in tactfully!

This builds better trust and credibility which lead to better sales results! Here are some ideas...

* Give them an education by offering f'ree ecourses, ebooks, tools, or quality content on your website.

The Subject is the Subject Line

Written by Shawna Schuh

Getting too many emails? Spending exorbitant amounts of time doing replies, deletes, and filing? You are not alone! Today we address how to help people (and you) to be more effective with this techno touch -repparttar Subject line!

First off and most important: Put something inrepparttar 106091 subject line. Some email programs won't let you send without fillingrepparttar 106092 subject line in which just goes to show that even a machine thinks it's important.

So what do you put inrepparttar 106093 subject line? This isrepparttar 106094 question that makes you either effective or ineffective and also shows your professionalism and style.

If it's a new email ask yourself how you want to be perceived byrepparttar 106095 reader when they get your email. I recently spoke to a woman who gets more emails than she wants and feels capable of handling. She's in email overload like a lot of us. She spoke at length about how ineffective many people are in using subject lines. She is brutal in deleting anything without a subject line, with a subject line she doesn't think applies to her or that seems like an ad. She scans down that subject line and gets busy deleting first thing.

It occurred to me that she may be missing some things that may be of value that she possibly needs to see etc. but with over a hundred emails coming in each day she feelsrepparttar 106096 risk is worth repparttar 106097 wasted time. This is a decision that she has made and works for her but if people would use subject lines more effectively she won't have to worry because emails with valuable information will state that inrepparttar 106098 subject line. At least yours will after reading this article!

If you want busy people to read or reply you MUST put in a relevant subject line.

Here are a few ideas on subject lines: 1.Be Specific and familiar Subject: Here'srepparttar 106099 status xyz project Subject: Completion of project xyz is on time Subject: Please RSVP for Nov. administrator conference Subject: Company picnic info

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