Why We Choose The People We Love

Written by Terri Arnold, MS (Spicy Grandma)

“Those who do not rememberrepparttar past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

“Why do I always wind up withrepparttar 101716 wrong person? I want someone who is kind, loving, reliable and open. Yet my relationships are always with men who are angry, hostile, emotionally unavailable and cannot keep a job.”

“I want a woman who is emotionally stable and independent, but I always wind up with women who are overly dramatic, tend to hysteria and depend on me to make their decisions.”

These are common problems brought to me by clients. They blame bad luck, coincidence or accident for winding up withrepparttar 101717 exact opposite ofrepparttar 101718 type of person they say they prefer in a relationship.

One very attractive female marketing manager in her mid thirties agonized - “If I went to a party and there were fifty men inrepparttar 101719 room - and 49 were college graduates who were business or professional men - andrepparttar 101720 50th was a high-school dropout with a felony police record - number 50 and I would somehow find each other.”

We make our relationship choices based on life experiences accumulated from childhood. We subconsciously integrate these experiences and react from them to current situations.

Children’s psyches are like unwritten slates. The messages we receive from our parents are stored upon them as if etched in stone. We internalize these messages and accept them without question as we mature because inrepparttar 101721 child’s mind, mommy and daddy - who are our ultimate authority figures - said it is so!

When a little girl has a father who is physically present but emotionally absent and does not provide her withrepparttar 101722 love and nurturing she needs, she will grow up with a big empty space in her heart where that love should have been. The message - although unspoken - tells her that she is not important and not deserving of love.

This little girl will subconsciously seek a man with her father’s rejecting characteristics - so she can relive her initial relationship - and this time she will win.

Falling Out of Love with Wholesale Warehouse Discount Club Stores

Written by C.S. Deam

I used to loverepparttar thought of going torepparttar 101715 local wholesale warehouse club, whererepparttar 101716 products are stacked up torepparttar 101717 warehouse ceiling andrepparttar 101718 shopping carts are brimming with rolls of toilet paper and cases of cheese snacks. Where else could you pay a memberbership fee of a thirty or forty dollars per year and have access to products byrepparttar 101719 caseload at a discount?

After joining such a club I realized that not allrepparttar 101720 prices were cheaper thanrepparttar 101721 non-membership store just acrossrepparttar 101722 street. So we decided to shop carefully and only buy those items that were cheaper. Of course, we also ended up buying in quantities that we didn't need. So, when we did find bargains, we ended up with a supply that would last us a couple years.

After adjusting our shopping strategy atrepparttar 101723 warehouse club to take into account our need to be aware ofrepparttar 101724 higher prices and inconvenient packagaging, we realized another thing. It's not convenient to stand in line with three items, when everyone else ahead of you has their carts overflowing with merchandise. It's clear that not everyone cares about actual value and some folks only want perceived value (you know, a case of maple syrup at a 3 cent discount). So, we soon tired of standing in lines for our handful of items.

We decided that if we were going to get onlyrepparttar 101725 best value items inrepparttar 101726 quantities that suited our lifestyle, that we would only need to make a few trips every couple of months so that we could get everything we wanted without spending all that time standing in line several times per month. But guess what happened? We noticed that each time we'd go in for items on our list thatrepparttar 101727 items sometimes wouldn't be carried anymore. We're not talking about items being out with an empty space on a shelf. We're talking about something else is placed where that item was andrepparttar 101728 store employees telling us they don't carry it right now, and that we should fill out a comment card if we want to getrepparttar 101729 items back in stock.

With items on our list not being in stock, we still found ourselves standing in line with a handful of items - instead ofrepparttar 101730 cartful we'd planned on.

It'sfrustrating enough realizing our membership wasn't buying us much more a few well-packaged, well discounted products - combined with long lines and a parking lot that would make most race car pit crews shudder in fear.

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