Why Ultralight Backpacking?

Written by Steve Gillman

Want Safer, More Comfortable Backpacking?

Contrary to what many think, ultralight backpacking is not just aboutrepparttar freedom to hike more miles or to take your whole pack uprepparttar 115976 mountain with you. It is also about comfort and safety. Backpackers with heavy loads work too hard and threaten their joints too much. Challenges may add torepparttar 115977 experience, but why suffer more than is necessary?

The Disadvantages Of Traditional Backpacking

Lack Of Freedom

You can't easily take a side trip up that hill, just to see what is there. If you do it without your pack, you have to go backrepparttar 115978 same way to get your pack.

It's A Hassle

Putting on and taking off your heavy pack quickly becomes a chore. You start leaving it on even during rest stops, just so you don't have to deal with it.

It's Tiring

Backpacking is clearly more tiring with a heavy pack, and you probably won't enjoy yourself as much when you are tired.

More Injuries

Sprained ankles, blistered feet, sore muscles, and back and knee problems are just some ofrepparttar 115979 common consequences of too much weight on your back.


More weight equals slower progress, which means less access to wild places (you can't go as far on your four-day trip), or it means less time to for enjoyable activities, like a swim in a mountain lake, or a relaxing evening in camp.

More Dangerous

More injuries, andrepparttar 115980 inability to move quickly when a storm is coming or an emergency requires you to get to a road, means that backpacking can actually be more dangerous with a heavy load. Add to thatrepparttar 115981 possibility of bad decisions due to tiredness.

The Ultralight Backpacking Alternative

Donerepparttar 115982 right way, ultralight backpacking gives you more freedom, more comfort, more safety, more enjoyment and less suffering than traditional backpacking. It allows you to move faster, but notice that I say "allows." It doesn't require it. It just gives yourepparttar 115983 option. That's more freedom.

I have yet to meet or hear about a person who has tried lightweight backpacking for a while, and then gone back to a heavy load. I'm not saying it is for everyone. Bad ankles may require heavy hiking boots, and bad habits may require a big pack to satisfy them. But even a backpacker who needs a pillow and big rectangular sleeping bag, can find these in lighter forms.

How 'Easy' Is Piano Playing?

Written by Emily Sigers

Has anyone ever told you how easy a thing it is to playrepparttar piano? Have you ever had people convey to yourepparttar 115975 idea that piano playing involves little skill, and therefore, does not stand very high, in their estimation, as an art - that it cannot be classed withrepparttar 115976 art of say, painting or sculpture, as an indication ofrepparttar 115977 possession of brains? Such opinions only show that anyone holding them has givenrepparttar 115978 subject little, if any thought. Until we begin to think, very few people realize what a really complicated thing it is to play even simple piano music.

We have, first of all, to read notes on two staffs - bass and treble. The same sign, placed inrepparttar 115979 same way is, for example, G onrepparttar 115980 bass staff and E onrepparttar 115981 treble staff. We must, therefore, always know whether we are reading bass or treble notes. Various signs of different shape denote various time lengths which must be exactly correct when played. Other signs denote periods of silence (rests) betweenrepparttar 115982 tones, also of exact duration. We must be able to placerepparttar 115983 right finger uponrepparttar 115984 key which each particular note represents, withrepparttar 115985 right kind of touch, atrepparttar 115986 right moment. We must read not only one note, but chords of three, four and even ten notes at a time. We must userepparttar 115987 right kind of finger, hand, wrist and arm actions and play, atrepparttar 115988 same time, with movements which are totally different in each hand. We must always keep in mindrepparttar 115989 proper key signature and be prepared for all accidents, and for changing from treble to bass in either hand or vice versa.

Now added to all this, we must observe all marks of expression, shading, phrasing and tempo, userepparttar 115990 pedals properly, and finally interpretrepparttar 115991 style and spirit ofrepparttar 115992 piece in such a manner thatrepparttar 115993 composer's ideas will be carried out.

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